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Everything posted by dukecornwell

  1. I watched them at both Waterbury and West Haven. They have a ligit shot. Bush, that is.
  2. Hurcs average for August is 81.2315 I haven't check the rest, but they look good.
  3. You are right about this show, FUN. Two marching bands + two alumni corps in addition to the competitive corps. Thanks for the kind words about the Hurcs, and you are right to point out the individual players. This was the first time that they put out a full corps. Some new players came in after tour as well as some vets. I'm sure their balance issue will be work out by Scranton. Sky and Sun did GREAT jobs as usual. Sorry you missed them. They should be very strong in pre-lims. Best of luck to ALL CORPS in Scranton.
  4. Let's get back to this post. My opinion is , YES THEY COUNT!
  5. I would like the corps with the highest score to win. Is that possilble? I don't have a crystal ball, but this is all in fun. I think.
  6. Hurcs tenor line. If you haven't seen them yet, when you do your in for a treat.
  7. I believe that they take the two highest scores in August, average them, to determine the order. I'm not sure what they do with corps that have only one August show, or none at all. If anyone has that information, please post it.
  8. If anyone can do it, they have the right guy. I remember what you did with the Hurcs last year. The Hurcs still talk about it. The Joesaders are still in the hunt to make finals. All you have to do is listen to, and do what Donny tells you to do. See you all Sunday night, in FINALS.
  9. Best of luck to all the Southern corps this weekend. Have a GREAT show!
  10. I really enjoy the Hurc's, very, very young snare line. When I say young, I mean young. If they stay together, watch out in the future. Good luck to all DCA corps this weekend. It should be fun.
  11. WOW! Lefty MEYER.....What a GREAT Skyliner. Thanks for thinking of him.
  12. It is with regret that the Cavalcade Drum Corps will not field a corps in the 2006 season. It has been decided that we should look towards the 2007 season as a more realistic goal. Cavalcade of Bands feel that with the up-coming marching band season, as well as our growing indoor season, that this will give us more time to promote from with-in. We also gain the marching band season for 2006 along with the 2007 indoor season. I thank every one who voiced your opinion on this thread. Believe me when I tell you this, your comments were viewed very closely and very much appreciated. We still need to decide if we will be DCI or DCA. That is still being discussed. I will try to keep this community informed as we move on. Great luck to all DCA corps the rest of this exciting season
  13. Best of luck this weekend, Joesaders. I think all the Joe's need to bring it up a notch, with control.
  14. As far as Joey being on a staff.... I had the pleasure of talking with Joey, and having adult beverages, in the Kingston parking lot. He took the the time to listen to a judges tape to hear a brass line and gave his opinion. I have to tell you that he was right on with his comments and advice. Joey is, and will be, a very valuable staff member...and who knows! Joe, you can play in my pit ANYTIME! Joe, you can teach my brass line ANYTIME!
  15. How about WATERbury? See you in Kingston.
  16. JOE! Are you there Joe? Are you ok Joe? JOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Al, I don't know you but, I wish you all the best and a safe return home. God Bless
  18. Joe! I know that Keith will be a great addition but, what about Booger's Mom?
  19. Happy Anniversary BOOGER'S MOM. I can't beleive it's been one year already. Something Joe will never forget. WOW! What a bus ride. I think we should have a moment of loud stuff (screaming) in Kingston in honor of this Great event. I am now officially starting a BOOGER'S MOM FAN CLUB. JOE!!!!!!!!
  20. I was told the penalty was because Joe had a CLEAN TOWEL around his neck, instead of the usual one. LOL See you all in Kingston.
  21. The Joe Ettes will have to wait until Kingston. Eddie and I have a Cavalcade of Bands Cinic to run that day at Westchester Univ. We will hit the road at 2pm and drive to Kingston. We should arrive about 6 ish. Plenty of time to see the Joe Ettes before and after the show. Good luck this weekend, Donny. You Go On!
  22. As we end July, August is what it's all about in DCA. Good luck this weekend Cru. The Joesaders will be at Endicott. Don't miss them!
  23. The Hurricanes "A" squad. You know how I think of you. You are the best!
  24. To all the Joesaders, Have a great camp weekend. See you guy's in Kingston, until then You Go On!
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