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Everything posted by muzzicman1

  1. Its my decision to select any subject I so desire on this forum, I won't change my opinion about this no matter how many insults are flamed in my direction. As for trivializing my claim to 1st amendment rights, you have no authority other than your self appointed position to judge my actions or character.
  2. If my year in Vietnam wasn't enough to "guarantee" my Free Speech, then all those opposed can grab your ankles and accept my apology. :mmm:
  3. Maybe you could educate us all with your definition of its application?....... I apologize if it was harmful and inflammatory to you, maybe you should just leave this "Crap" to the more hardened and tough skinned readers. That way it won't bruise your little pinky.....
  4. It was a generalization and meant as tongue and cheek, not to a named person. Its my opinion and I am entitled to it. Thats what DCP is all about, giving your opinion. Do you have a problem with free speech?....maybe you can send a letter to Congress and characterize them as "old delicate sensibilities" who have lost touch with the new agenda...... :P
  5. sounds like the voice of experience...... B)
  6. Whom did I make a personal attack on?....your opinion?....I insulted someone with suggesting that the instrumentation key is just an excuse for making a profit?.... Did I REALLY say something wrong?....or did I offend those proponents of products that have failed in its promises?..... Bb instrumentation has not changed anything in style and methods about Drum Corps unique presentation. I've heard many hornlines that have changed to Bb's, do the same old G programs. Just because some key signatures are available, doesn't really change Drum Corps styles, does it? Traditionalist like myself, recognize what is really going on, and if speaking up about it bothers you and others who are opposed to me, then so be it. The cost of these instruments are rediculous, the reason for the change is to standardize the tooling casts to increase profits for makers.....period. Its not about making the Drum and "Bugle" Corps activity better........
  7. Thank you Jeff......Col. Crawford was a musical genius who laid down a melody like no one before him. He gave Drum and Bugle Corps a new sound and purpose..... I only assualt Bb's because I am a traditionalist, and want to preserve its history, ..... as opposed to changing from wood to metal bats in baseball......... Its just not the same.....regardless if it improves....
  8. Nope, ....I think I covered them all....... :)
  9. Just skip to the last sentence.......that one was meant for you...... B)
  10. I am going to add my worthless 2 cents on this issue once again. Bb instruments are not bugles. Anyone who plays a Bb on the field and claims to be in a "Drum and BUGLE corps" is a phony, sissy, no brass playin fake who believes everything their BAND teacher ever said in high school. I don't care if you played a Bb in college, frankly by that age you should have learned to play another instrument and taken music theory courses to advance your knowledge and skill levels. Yamaha, Conn-Selmer and the other brass makers are just trying to cash in on a market and have employed a few mouthpieces to sell their products. Can't blame them for exploitation of another youth market though, they already molest young minds with alcohol, cell phones, I-pods, energy drinks, tatoos, body pierces and tennis shoes.... So all you Bb proponents flame on and eat me...... :P
  11. You'd be better off trying to solve the conflicts between the Hutu's and Tutsi's in Rwanda, then battles between the waring factions of the 5 burrows of New York.... God help you..... B)
  12. I can NOT believe Gades didnt take this opportunity to play James Bond 007 music........what a missed opportunity...
  13. I apologize for the "East Coast Penalty" remark. It was not intended to discredit my friends and members of SF Renegades. I felt a need to come to the defense of those who worked SO hard, this past season, to keep the "Gades" in finals. It was difficult to watch, from Hayward to Sunnyvale. But what a fantastic effort, congrats and you have much to be proud of, especially after all the problems everyone faced in the course of the season. Regards Billy B)
  14. Its ok Lee, .....let me handle this.....hehe...I want some Hurricane action,....those guys started it back in 2002 and its time for a showdown..... Maybe some day one of these guys can make the trip out so we can teach them how to party....... :mmm: B)
  15. Ha ha ha.....I can see the humor in that Joe, ...... along with the $50 bucks spent to travel back and forth to the show.....
  16. No need for that Liz, just click your heals together 3 times and repeat after me...... There's no place like home..... :)
  17. West coast translation: East coast penality B)
  18. See if you can get a few pics of the audience please?.......
  19. Thank you Jeff, wonderful to see you online representing....... 7
  20. Actually before you signoff on this thread, allow me the opportunity to comment. As a Renegade Alumni (2001-2002) and X-rcr bari, brass caption (2004-2005), heres how the drama unfolds. Renegades and RCR share about 20-25 members between them. Multitudes jumped over in 2004 to join the Renegade wave of success, I could not blame them. Now RCR has built a percussion line ANY DCA corps would be proud of. Having said that, the brass situation is somewhat different, RCR has some growing to do in this area and if they can sustain the economic pressures to continue growth, the results will be a legitimate West Coast DCA Senior division. This has been a dream I've worked for since the passing of my instructor/friend Jim Ott. Jim would be thrilled if he were here to see this. My hats off, many congratulations and a heartfelt wish to ALL the seniors in California, keep it going........ The view is way better from the field.... B) Billy Collins
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