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Everything posted by MN DCI Fan

  1. I don't think there's anything insightful I can say about voting for BK again.
  2. I'm sticking with BK until they're gone. Side note: the MUSIC from BD's show has grown on me each time I've listened to it. Still don't like it conceptually or visually, though.
  3. Voted for Blue Knights. Saw it a number of times, never really got into it (although there were some catchy tunes in there).
  4. I'd suggest that, while the ability of the student to learn their material on the "fast track" upon return from tour is a concern to directors, their bigger concern might be the effect that said student's absence has on the rest of their section/ensemble. As anyone who has marched can attest, the absence of one particular member (particularly over a lengthy period of time) can have a detrimental effect on everyone else, no matter how well trained they may be. Another angle to this is that members who march corps are most likely the leaders of their band, be it by title, example, or both. I think many band directors are not in favor of any strong leader of their ensemble being gone for the summer.
  5. From my experience the locals make up the majority of the crowd. However, I think where the contest is held is the biggest differentiating factor. For example, I'm originally from the Des Moines, Iowa area, and the only yearly contest around there is Celebration in Brass in Ankeny (a northern suburb of Des Moines). I attended that show for years, and while there were always corps alumni present, the largest contingent of fans was always the locals. From a purely numeric standpoint, there just aren't as many alumni in the Des Moines area to attend the show, and I think that's probably representative of many shows in smaller or more rural communities. Now that I live in the Minneapolis area, the shows I've attended up here have had a far greater representation of alumni. I think that's due mostly to the simple fact that there are many corps alumni in the Twin Cities. So while I voted for "Locals," it's a qualified response, such that I think the answer will be different for different geographic areas.
  6. Agreed on SCV; not sure about Madison, but I think I agree there as well. I love SCV in the white pants - such a classic look, IMO. Anybody heard anything about the Blue Stars?
  7. "pwn": A typo-deliberate version of own, a slang term used to express superiority over others that can be used maliciously, depending on the situation.
  8. Actually, pitch problems aside, I was happy to hear the voice sounding in the lower register. I think that, first of all, that range will be more comfortable on the ears of those who might be on the fence regarding vocals at all. The higher female voice can (but not always, I recognize) sound a little screechy or shrill, even when sung well. My personal opinion is that the voice will also blend better with the brass when sung in the lower range. As for the Hoppy issue, I have immense respect for George Hopkins. And I think that the attention that these relatively controversial issues put on him rather than The Cadets might well be by design. But my suspicion is that, rather than seeking accolades, it's more about deflecting criticism from his staff. Just my thoughts...
  9. :feednotroll: :feednotroll: :feednotroll: :feednotroll: :feednotroll:
  10. Wow. Thanks for causing me not-so-welcome flashbacks to my Federal Income Taxation class in law school. :P
  11. I agree with both of these takes. Neither show really strikes me as cheesy.
  12. I just listened to it, and I think it's fantastic. Or at least it will be soon. You can really hear the potential in it. I think it'll be a challenge to get the balance right on a field outdoors, but I have no doubt that will happen. I agree with the posters who have likened it to Cirque. It also brought to my mind a likeness with Enya, Loreena McKennitt, and Adiemus. Really, it was very cool. Am I correct that the rules for amplifying the voice don't allow for any processing? You know, reverb and the like? When I listened, I immediately thought how cool it would sound with some reverb on the voice, but I seem to think that's not allowed...anybody else know about this?
  13. I got 4: 79 Blue Devils 88 Madison Scouts 89 Phantom Regiment 99 Santa Clara Vanguard The only vote that I made that I was really disappointed didn't make it was 2004 Cavaliers.
  14. I really can't remember. I vividly remember watching the PBS broadcasts in the mid- to late-1980s, and the first one I remember taping on the VHS recorder was 1988 (I think). I know for sure that this was well after seeing my first live show which was also mid-1980s.
  15. So normally when I'm working out at the gym, I tend to favor listening to 80s and 90s pop/rock (special nod to Guns 'n' Roses and Journey here). But today I pulled up some drum corps on the ol' mp3 player, and it got me thinking: what are the best shows to listen to while working out? What shows just get the blood pumping in a Footloose/South-Park-sports-training-montage sort of way? What do you think?
  16. Can anyone post any pictures of these minis? I'm not familiar with them, though they sound cool.
  17. Point of order...1996 was a tie with Phantom Regiment, as well. Gotta stick up for my peeps.
  18. Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3 Clip 4 And no sundial to be seen!
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