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Everything posted by HockeyDad

  1. Welcome. The floor is yours. What would you like to say about the 2024 corps? Please steer the conversation in the direction you’d like. But you need to lead off with something.
  2. Virtual. Still. Sooo many red flags. Almost everywhere you look in this organization.
  3. Let us know if you hear the strains of “Nearer My God To Thee” coming from Space Park Drive.
  4. Well, we used to have a name for the good folks who would do that: the borg
  5. I believe you are misreading the room. I see zero “hate” for SCV. In fact, just the opposite. I see love for SCV and out of that love comes intense concern for SCV and intense lack of patience with those would would mismanage SCV into failure.
  6. That would be a stunning revelation , if after the 2006 event with Charlotte Luciani (public information - don’t freak out), proper controls were not put in place to ensure this could not happen again. I will assume that’s not the case but now you have me wondering.
  7. Page after page of thinly veiled innuendo. Are we suggesting someone has their hand in the till over at SCV and is skimming the proceeds? Again? Is that where this is going with all the - where did the money go - why is the paperwork lagging and incomplete and incorrect - discussion? How can BD have 5 million on hand and SCV be barely holding it together when they both have thriving bingo operations?
  8. Partial credit, as they lied about why they were pulling the plug. Lawsuit? No. Just a couple unanticipated invoices.
  9. Hey SCV, are you gonna do this Again to your MMs? How about you stop shuffling around your cronies and start finding some people with competence? Start with a California- registered CPA.
  10. Yet so many come on here and trash Mr. Richard Lesher. Yeah he can come off as a self promoter but hasn’t been proven wrong.
  11. Hmmm. Willful negligence? Let’s see if it flies. But sir I wasn’t told I needed to stop abuse. That was the corps’ responsibility. I just run the tour. The blind leading the blind.
  12. Well, you know, DCI didn’t have authorization to do anything unless it was given to them by the corps directors. DCI is the corps and can’t enact any regulations on its own and all that. Apparently DCI is the organization that schedules the tour and lines up the judges and that’s it. We will find out whether the legal system agrees.
  13. Yup. The people are different. The organization still exists though. The organization under which this alleged abuse happened. 40 years ago. That’s how the judge appears to see it. (I added that sentence just for you). Doesn’t seem at all unfair to me that the organization is a party in this suit.
  14. Hmmm… this is about money and we will now be losing a drum corps in the activity because of it? What is “it”? We will not be (possibly) losing a drum corps in the activity because there’s a lawsuit and the plaintiff seeks compensation. Rather, we will be losing a drum corps in the activity because a marching member was allegedly assaulted by a staff member of the corps.
  15. Unless their insurance policy covers it. Or unless the court proceedings don’t end with Cadets having to pay. This is not a forgone conclusion is it?
  16. I believe the Defendant is claiming the Cadets have moved beyond the culture of abuse. And looks like so far the judge has said…. Uhhhh, no. That’s why the case continues. I don’t think the plaintiff has said anything about this. Why would they? It’s the defendant’s argument not the plaintiff.
  17. In my line of work we (the entire industry, nationwide) use a database of persons granted access to our facilities plus those denied access. When a new employee is hired and requests access, the company checks this database. So, to answer the OP’s question, DCI could mandate reporting to DCI. Any corps “denying access” of a person to that corps (marching member, staff) is required to report it to DCI. DCI enters into their compliance database (to be developed) and it is tracked that way. So, the offender’s name isn’t dragged through the mud but can still be checked and denied access at any corps. Each corps is required to check the database to make sure any new members have not been previously denied access at another corps. Don’t say it can’t be done because it is being done in my industry.
  18. The BOD member who posted here said it was due to late and unexpected bills plus no longer wanting to pinch pennies on member experiences (busses etc.). He made no mention of legal fees being a factor. Are you saying he was being less than truthful? 😎
  19. So disheartened by these recent posts. How about DCI create a compliance group of about 5 people and have them develop mandatory reporting guidelines that each corps shall follow. And give them investigative authority. If lack of oversight is the problem then create oversight.
  20. Just for the sake of discussion- is it possible that if a local touring model were “mandated” that more local corps might spring up? And if more local corps spring up, more local shows will? Is it possible that a big factor in the demise of many corps was the national touring model, not just the ending of funding from the local parish or VFW or Legion post? I don’t know. And neither do you who speak with such certainty. We may never find out. We will probably never find out. I don’t think DCI is capable of making big adjustments like that. So it’s just an academic exercise. Since we’ve run out of ideas for revenue generating I thought I could ask this.
  21. Oh c’mon now Jeff, you’re better than this. Don’t be so dismissive and handwave this off like everyone who thinks cost containment is necessary wants to go back to 1968. I think a Nittany Lion can come up with something better than that! BTW I prefer 1976.
  22. Well, actually, Cadets BOD member did say they pulled out of 2024 because of finances. And he didn’t say it’s because of the lawsuit. Just sayin’ I get that you don’t see the activity in dire financial circumstances. But some of us disagree. That’s cool, right?
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