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rmurrey74 last won the day on March 27 2023

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    SCV 1999

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  1. A big reason that John and Jim left Madison was because they were being boxed in on what they could actually do because of the pressure of the alumni. Bluecoats gave them freedom to reinvent each year.
  2. Finally watched this on YouTube today. Excited that Madison is moving back in the right direction. Much improved. Hopefully they can continue to clean up enough to make it back to Saturday night!
  3. It’s an incredible experience live. The way they split up the brass parts across the field is wild.
  4. Look at the comment history on the account which matches everything he posts about on social media and his non-drum corps job.
  5. Also, in other silent features that have happened in the past, the guard could potentially still count out loud and not be heard by the audience. With this feature being miced, it goes purely by what they can see since any vocals would be picked up and amplified. I'm sure they'll get it by the end, but the stretch from 10 to 10 is so challenging.
  6. No, it’s Mylar. Heard it rips very easily and they practice on regular flags frequently to try to make them last. They’re also very different from a weight standpoint since it’s so light.
  7. https://lookerstudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/c6df655c-01aa-4aa7-b38a-3102d4df8342/page/ecm7C If that doesn’t work, go to their website and click events.
  8. Here is the link to all that info from their website. https://lookerstudio.goog
  9. I feel like Dymaxion could be this year’s Bump. The splits and the interplay between the parts across the distance they are playing is so cool. I can’t wait until it cleans up. Those chord structures are just crazy.
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