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Everything posted by no_itsnotadash

  1. eh... Kings or Dynastys would have been nice, but atleast they have some great horns!
  2. So G-sus walks into an inn and.... .... wait.... ...wrong G-sus joke.
  3. Maybe one day I'll be cool enough to march saxaphone....*sigh*
  4. I'm sorry Phil... was that me or Logan?
  5. Everyone remembers there first, Gold bond on the ole' balls is heaven, like a magical blizzard in my pants.
  6. Parades.... good times. At one of our parades this summer, our bari/euph tech walked around while the cadence was playing, popping SweatTarts in our mouths. Relieves the sometimes stressful parades.
  7. Meehan is the arranger... that is going to be interesting :)
  8. Wow, this is a different direction for Memphis, it sounds like a good choice though!
  9. Where I marched, when say something we ran was not very good.... our visual tech for the baritones and euphoniums would say "That was very OK... good job BAND." Whenever our sopranos and contra played something that wasn't good, such as a bad attack, it usually ended in " Good job on that attack trumpets/tubas" Being refered to a marching band motivated us to work hard. So Bb or G, its still the soprano voice and the same for contrabass.
  10. Corps like ECJ, Memphis Sound, Spartans, etc. have to crank out alot of sound because they lack the 64-72 member hornlines of most top 12 corps so you just have to play loud. My first year in corps I played loud but wasn't instructed to play loud properly. I came back from that summer with a raspy tone. My second summer, however, I was instructed very well on playing loud and was able to play for hours on end with a good tone and full sound at all dynamics. There is a right and wrong way to play loud and I can understand why an instructor would advise against going.
  11. To relieve stress, sometimes I just decide to talk to some friends and discuss nerdy things. Any good Lord of the Rings discussion can't help bring a smile to your face.... or atleast mine :)
  12. There is always a bright side to everything. Maybe these members from ECJ will enrich other corps and ECJ will have a year to get things back in order to be more successful in the future.
  13. Well thank you, bigbadjosh89, you just completely disproved my point. Obviously you speak for the masses.
  14. Avoid all accountability? Explain this to me... obviously I don't seem to understand how slapping my corps' name on it makes ME accountable... but whatever. Having my corps name in my signature isn't because I'm scared, or ashamed of my corps, its because I value the name and reputation my corps has built and is building. I post to state my opinions, right or wrong, and keep my corps history personal.... because again, I am stating my opinion and not the opinion of my corps. So if you want to try and bust me out on that... thats cool... but remeber you are being watched by others on the forum. Someone will think I'm rude or hypocritical on a forum, but atleast they won't be under the impression that me and the "SantaRegiBlueDets" members might all be like that too. -- since this drama won't seem to quit... let me write something positive about ECJ, since some members feel like it was underpraise and overshadowed by Academy. 2006 ECJ, though 2nd, was so far, the best ECJ show I have seen them put out. Honestly I didn't like the drill and the hornline wasn't as impressive (to me) as 2005, but there demand more than in 04 and 05. The music, though not typical my style, was very nice, and well arranged. Honestly, I like ECJ, not my favorite corps in Div II, but overall a good group of kids and musicians, even if they are a little outspoken on the forums . edit for crappy spelling and grammer.
  15. ok....tell you what... I'll put my corps in my signature so I can embaress my corps like your obviously doing right now. The point is, is that I can make a rude, un-need comment and it not reflect on my corps... just make myself look like a moron. ..... So anyways... enough drama. The DVD quality is much improved over the previous years... first time I can show my friends and family my drum corps dvd and it look like I marched at finals. Very impressed by Oregon Crusaders... while other top 4's had there moments, this show pleased me through the entire show. Academy had a pretty nice show, the closer really showed off the technicality of there soprano section. ECJ had a good brassline and you could tell they weren't going down without a fight. Spartans didn't sell me on this show as much as years past but still very nice and well played. I'll write more later.
  16. It doesn't take more than one person to completely ruin someone's opinion of a corps. I just meant that the way SOME of there members represent themselves and thier corps is unprofessional.
  17. Before anyone writes a negative comment, please don't embaress your corps in the process. I had alot of respect for ECJ and I've lost alot of it since I started reading DCP forums and the opinions and attitudes of the members. I'm not always the nicest guy on a forum, so before I state my opinion, I make sure I don't have my corps pasted on it, SO I DON'T MAKE THE CORPS LOOK BAD. Note: I feel like I was a little hard on ECJ, there is no denying the brassline talent they have, I just hate to see the corps be pulled down by members on the forums.
  18. A division II corps (Memphis Sound) did "Los Endos Suite" in 2005, which is a song by the Phil Collins Big Band and Genesis. The actually song itself was about 10 minutes or so.
  19. wow... I can't wait for the 2007 DVDs to come out and hear how ECJ would have won, had they been there. ....
  20. Why does it matter? Its drum corps, you get judged by judges and the audenice. Stop crying.
  21. I went to corps determinded not to "hook-up" on tour. So how I ended up in a great relationship thats is now a year old today. I think it can happen and does happen in a few cases. I know for me and my girlfriend, the fact that we both marched corps, we have no tolerance for drama and work well because we have the same drive and drum corps is always a common ground for us, and makes for great engaging conversations. Besides, when you see your girlfriend sweaty, tired, irritated, mentally exhausted, smelly, sun burnt, and they still look good to you.... I think thats something special... and a slight bit of "tour goggles". Though, most of the time, hook up on tour are just summer flings. Relationships come and go, and most end soon after the season does. I believe most of the people who have gotten married who met in drum corps is because they did not go in looking for a hook up. They came in looking for friends to help them through the summer, and it just turns out that one of those friends turned out to help them for life.
  22. I think maybe not having vets re-audtion might be ok, but when it comes to cutting vets... sometimes it needs to be done. I don't want to stand next to a vet who has a horrible attitude and doesn't work when I could have a rookie who is enjoying it and committing 100% to everything. Cutting a vet to me is cool as long as its based on other things besides playing... like overall work ethic, attitude, and commitment. my $0.02
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