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Everything posted by thePerfectbuzz

  1. oh i did, i almost let her win a game....almost.....but hey at least i picked up the tab for her that night!
  2. I agree, I dont think some corps utilize the potential of the mellophone voicing to its full potential. I mean lets be honest, every corps' mellophone book has runs like no other....but there is more that mello lines can do if used right. Cavaliers are one of my favorite examples in maxing out a mello book. I think the Bluecoats mello lines the past few years have been extremely expressive and sound amazing. Jay Bocook also does a great job in mellophone writing...listen for the parts at the end of the opener this past year. I wish the Blue Devils had a better integration of mello parts other than a lot of runs.
  3. eh I personally think she's a bit overrated! :P have you ever seen try and play pool?!? lol 'hit the oil slick shee'.... but yet she does have amazing toes
  4. well while I did know of Joshua Bell before this article, I dont think its a far-fetched idea to think many others dont know who he is. I dont think American musical whatever is dying at all. Maybe its just not as popular as other activities and music genres.....thats fine. Times change and from generation to generation tastes change. If you have a love and passion for something and enjoy listening to it, what does it matter if the majority knows of it or not. There are plenty of kids in the corps I march who dont know of Albert Puljos or Tom Brady....it happens. Consider yourself in a higher intellectual class to be blessed with the sense to appreciate the fine arts that millions in our nation couldnt comprehend, but realize that this is reality and dont consider it something tragic.
  5. one of the best crowds for any show all summer long usually comes out of Allentown....such history!!
  6. yeah the hornline was 'blowin' alright.... oh this was suppose to be nice?? im kidding, i really did like that show though!!
  7. actually Jared's corps did cut him....he now spends his summer free time walking through cow pastures picking flowers. :P
  8. -I hate dirty or crusty socks!!! -Wet shoes suck! -schools/cities where the water taste like poo and leave that nasty aftertaste and now water breaks that day are not that great! -cold showers
  9. like OMG, i just notcied this.....does everyone see the whistle in the DCI logo?!?!? :P
  10. seems to me like there is now added pressure on the boys from Madison....because it appears that ppl think they will fall miserably or do better than last year. thats a lot of weight put on that corps right now
  11. agreed with many of these...and some I would add 1998 Magic 2000 Cadets 2003 Blue Devils 2005 Cadets
  12. agreed....along with SCV 2004, Cadets 05-06, and I would say Phantom if their low brass didnt honk away....but BD hornline warm ups equals bad a@#
  13. that was a very strong hornline that year, and Jay did a great job with the tools he had. Great production
  14. so does the second half of this post apply to all the Crown/Boston bashing threads post 2004, or the Blue Devil bashes post 05 or the Cadets 06 'free-for-alls'.....or does this just apply to making predicitions that we have to respect other corps?? because if you truly believe this, then you need to copy and paste that post into 85% of the threads on DCP.
  15. ok, I believe you completely missed my point, and then blew this way out of proportion. Im not, nor did i ever, call any person or the corps they march in, a 'loser' (in any negative way other than you own interpretation). Someone made the comment that it seems like everyone is placing the Blue Stars and the Crusaders lower for some negative reason and they wondered why. I simply responded by saying "you have to pick someone to lose"....meaning, you cant have 24 champions and everyone beating everyone else, so someone is going to be placed lower then what some people want to see on these prediction threads....its really not a big deal. Im not saying that any corps is a 'loser', so i really dont know where your pulling all that you wrote out of. and to answer your question....no, the whole summer is not about the scores and the placement i come in. Although i am a very competitive person and do thouroughly enjoy the intense competition of the activity also. BUT my biggest joys of the summer is the 134 people i travel with and the wonderful staff i get to have all summer long. Along with the tour and the thrill of performing and enjoying all the life experiences drum corps has to offer. I get all of that out of my marching experience. But my competitive nature also drives and strives to win, so that is also on my mind. But to take my previous posts and twist it by saying i am calling every other corps a loser and making the accusation that my only purpose is to win and judge my summer based of scores and "success" is very far off the mark.
  16. how is that arrogant? because its the blue stars?? or because its the boston crusaders..... you people want predictions, but not every corps wins and not every corps makes top 12, so why does everything have to be soooo sugarcoated on DCP?? its the harsh world of competition.....when the Detroit Lions go 4-12, their fans dont go "well they tried hard and got a lot out of the season"
  17. well you cant hope that every corps succeeds....so you have to pick someone to lose.
  18. well to me, which means nothing, going by the show description it seems like its just playing latin music that just reflects the title of the show. it dosent seem to me that the potential for the design will be much more creative then drill+music+cheesy visuals = "picasso"....I'm sure i could be suprised, but just from reading their description the show doesnt seem like it will be that 'deep'....so maybe they will be amazingly clean and execution in performance will be so strong they jump back into the top 5?
  19. The Academy- i wanna see what all the hype is about! Colts- I am pushing for them to make finals Crossmen- I wonder how all this off season "momentum" will translate for competition this summer.....big audition numbers, texas talent, marc sylvestor.... Carolina Crown- I am very curious to see how they do with Lee Beddis teaching and writing for the percussion
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