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Everything posted by IllianaLancerContra

  1. Absolutely! When you are in a horn line of 16 there is no slacking off. Every note is important.
  2. Putting on my Science Hat - if real-world data keeps popping up outside the predictive model, then the model is wrong. If you want to build a model you need good glue, & the glue is the real-world data.
  3. Yes - there is Mt Dew flavor coke, 7-up flavor coke, Dr Pepper flavor coke, etc. But term ‘soda’ is also used
  4. Could well be true. I had both Moderna shots & have never been older than I am now.
  5. Could well be that LOS rent is $0 (for DCI anyway). Question for those who know such things - does stadium rental fee also cover stadium employee costs (ticket takers, ushers, security (who then hassle Troopers), etc? Or is that something that the stadium user pays above & beyond rental?
  6. Individuals unable to get vaccinated are, in theory, protected by 'herd immunity'. All (or most) of those around the unvaccinated individuals are immune, so the unvaccinated is unlikely to come in contact with the virus.
  7. To put these numbers in a bit of perspective - there were 25 people shot (3 fatal) in Chicago the weekend of 10-11 April. Out of 8.8 million residents. It was more dangerous to be in Chicago last weekend than getting the J&J vaccine.
  8. Thanks for this info - now we can do some math. Other thread said for NCAA capacity of stadium currently 15,400. That is for entire stadium. Cutting this by 1/2 (because I don't think DCI will sell seats behind the curtain) gives a capacity of 7,700. 7,700 x $265 = $2,040,500 I would also guess that seats for a single night's performance would be more than $88 (265/3). So let's say $2.1M. Doe we know how much LOS stadium charges for the 3-day event?
  9. Agree that it is a gray area (I have been told that there are like 50 different shades of gray). But also, no one is 'required' to march Drum Corps, so making vaccination a requirement to march would not be unreasonable. I know Blue Stars have explicitly stated vaccination is required. Other Corps may have as well.
  10. So, What will tickets need to cost for DCI to break even?
  11. Yes, and that is stadium-wide, not just on 'concert side'. Perhaps I am naive, but I don't think too many fans would want seats behind the black curtain.
  12. As a Biology Professor, I am contractually obligated to point out that, biologically speaking, all HS color guard members have 2 parents. Whether is is these 2 parents that the performer wishes to have in the stands is a different question.
  13. Even though DCI has posted a schedule, there are still a bunch of things (Corps transportation, lodging, practice sites, ticket sales (at whatever stadium capacity) etc) that need to happen before a Corps is on a football field with fans in the stands. I hope that DCI has specific dates written down that X, Y, & Z need to happen by, for each proposed performance location, or the towel gets thrown.
  14. I irritate the California relatives by pointing out they live on the east coast (of the Pacific Ocean)
  15. Nor did Phantom, Cadets or Cavaliers. But they showed up for prelims every year.
  16. Was this when you were working at the funeral home? My understanding is that they have some rather 'industrial-strength' makeup that can address the green tint.
  17. Correct that it will not be judged. But it is the annual DCI event, & SCV won't be there.
  18. We can discuss our experiences with the vaccine, as well as prognostications concerning the state of the pandemic come July, but the question was: What happens if a member or staff get sick in ST or on tour? From what I have seen, the answer is : 1. It is up to the Corps 2. Some Corps have the ability to isolate the member during ST; no Corps seems to have published what happens if they get sick during the tour.
  19. So I guess this means SCV's perfect attendance at DCI is broken. I think that leaves only 4 Corps, Madison, Cavaliers, Phantom & Cadets, that have participated in every DCI championship since 1972 (granted, Unlike SCV, these 3 did not make it into every finals, but they were there for prelims).
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