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Wild Nights

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Everything posted by Wild Nights

  1. Isn't it interesting how the devil plays such a role in Phantom's show this year? Maybe the "devils" will win, but not in the way that you BD fans are thinking... ^0^ (and yes, that IS a red devil...)
  2. Augh.. the cadets R ######## and eye think thay R dumb and thay Rnt Evn a drumcore and btw imo GH is dumb an i <3 cake n waffles an NE1 hoo liks the cadets is dumb an i hope thay come in last plase in finels cuz thay R like a bad play and oh btw i hat amps.
  3. I agree, I wasn't on DCP last, year, but ;ast year, the show was a whole different ballgame. Nothing too cheesy. The only real *talking* (correct me if I'm wrong, I only have an APD) was the drumspeak, which was awesome. (There was the little blurb before the drum solo, but that wasn't too long or bad.) The ballad was beautiful. (no singer needed.) It was just on a new level. A great performance. This year is like a freak show. (Just my opinion) 2005 The Cadets ----------> 2006 The Cadets ----------> <**>
  4. I agree. I love the "dreamscapes" concept, and we saw last year how amazing and surreal it could be. This year... not so much. Just like most movies with a sequel, the original was better.
  5. Rick Valenzuela: ---------------> Phantom Jim Casella: ----------------> Cavaliers :( I agree with you: Vanguard is one of my favorite corps. I won't get to see them live this year, but I have a feeling this'll be another "awesome show, just didn't work for the judges" years (like last year.)
  6. Gotta make the cut first. But that's my goal! And yep, the sponsorship forum is a must. I'll also do the letters thing to everyone I know, and then some I dont- (I'm referring to all those people that send you money for graduation that you don't have the slightest clue who they are or how theyre related...but your parents are like: "Oh that's your great aunt suzie who lives in podunkville, who you haven't seen since you were 2 years old:P ) Oh well. This was a great thread to start by the way! (Off topic side note: Good golly, that's a long run-on sentence. My english teacher would shoot me.)
  7. If youre the Blue Devils lead trumpet soloist, your blood IS blue, cause all your oxygen goes through your horn, not into your blood. You think double C's are easy to play? :P BTW: I don't want anyone to think I'm bashing: I'm a tpt player, and I love the high notes! [insert SummerTrain Blues Mix into CD player]
  8. Ya know, they oughta have a forum on here for all us aspiring corps members.
  9. This is a great thread. I'm definitely filing all this away for this fall! Anybody know what kinds of fundraising things Phantom Regiment does? (Mandatory and otherwise.) I'm working my tail off this summer to make this dream come true, but once you figure in transportation, camp fees, jacket, etc- and all those personal expenses too, it really adds up FA(u)ST.... Yes- AGDrummer, that'll probably be my mode of transit too! Here's to Bus Tickets!!! :mmm: Seriously, though, bus tickets are expensive. But I don't have a car, I'm too young to rent, and Rockford is 10 hours away. Dangit! :(
  10. You can't reply to topics on the sponsorboard. You leave your email, address, etc and sponsors get back to you. Read the topics at the top of the page, it explains all that. :P As someone who's in your shoes, I'm encouraged that all the topics are closed- that, to me, says that those kids don't need money anymore. I'm certainly going to give the board a whirl this fall!
  11. I love Phantom!!! I was about to go to bed, but there's no way I can sleep right now!!!!!! Get it Phantom Regiment!!! ^OO^
  12. First victim: The Cadets...next comes BD 2006 DCI Division I World Champions- PHANTOM REGIMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! edit: clarity
  13. The brass is beautiful. I love it. And the singing doesnt get me too much (I don't REALLY mind it in the cadets this year either). But when they start TALKING, I quit. Lemme say a quote from that show that lasts about 1 second to say, but ruins like the next 2 minutes of the show just cause it echoes in my head: "LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :spit: Please.
  14. The issue, I don't think, is with what's being said. The issue is with the fact that there is speech covering up the Cadet's awesome sound. It's the same idea as the little kid next to you in the movie theater that talks the whole time, or the lady at the Pops concert who leaves her cell phone on and gets calls every 5 minutes. I wanna hear the hornline! *sob*
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