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DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. at least that judge is consistent (consistently bad)
  2. Combined Allentown scores: Cavies: 95.575 Blue Devils: 95.5 Phantom 94.6 Cadets 92.875 Bluecoats 92.35 SCV 91.475 Crown 88.55 Blue Knights 88.35 Boston 87.925 Madison 86.75 Glassmen 85.55 Spirit 84.7
  3. If they are only considering the highest of the two scores at a regional, then the math is correct, but shouldn't they look at everything? I mean on the days during the time frame that they even competed on the same day, BK's score was higher everytime: 7/26: BK=85.5 G-Men=85.15 7/29: BK=86.4 G-Men=85.225 Sounds like fuzzy math to me... But I might be biased... :sshh:
  4. Not even sure what that site is trying to say. Except that on any given night who ranks where? DCI takes the averages of the shows for a given time frame and that how they rank. Is that what the site referenced does as well?
  5. Exactly, and it was the 2nd time it didn't add up.
  6. Was just wondering if anybody can tell me where in the world DCI is getting their numbers from when they "rank" the corps prior to the regional events? For the last two regionals, they post the rankings on their website. When I look at them, they don't make any sense... For example, they have Glassmen ranked ahead of Blue Knights. I went to the scores section of the website, looked at all the events during the time frame, wrote down the scores for the two corps, and averaged them out... BOTH times the average I got didn't match the average they showed and I had the G-Men LOWER than BK every time. #### in the five times they've faced head-to-head this year, BK has won ALL five times! So how can they have jumped two places in the rankings? Can someone explain this to me???
  7. I'm going to bed. Someone call me when the scores come in...
  8. I'm losing beauty sleep over this and lord knows I could use all I can get B)
  9. Thanks for the mention about the BK Tuba Soloist - That's my son, and because I live in San Antonio, and he lives in Denver, I haven't had a chance to see it yet. Can't wait until this Saturday where I will (hopefully) get to see it TWICE!!! Thanks again... b**bs
  10. HELP - Son wasn't going to March this year (Ble Knights Tuba) and changed his mind right before tour. I need 4 tickets to San Antonio (where I live). Something "decent". Not looking to be ON the 50 right in the middle, just a bit better than Ticketmaster has to offer. Willing to pay a little something extra if need be. b**bs Thanks. rs449ers@grandecom.net
  11. Looking for five tickets to San Antonio show. Son wasn't going to march this year but changed his mind at the end. You're right about Ticketmaster, only end zone available. I do need my five together though. Thins it's worthwhile going to TX Bandmaster website?
  12. Any chance the person you got your tix from has five more? or maybe you got more than one response and you can refer me to someone? My son wasn't supposed to march this year and changed his mind at the last minute so I'm without tix as well. Please e-mail me at rs449ers@grandecom.net.
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