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Everything posted by boafan

  1. I'll definitely miss the great G Bugle sound the Renegades' produced.
  2. The Renegades were a big reason our family made the trip to Rochester (didn't make it to Annapolis). Except for a few top corps, the hornlines lately haven't generated the volume and excitement like they could do- This is a sad day for DCA.
  3. Go Hawthorne! We love you on Bugles or Marching Band horns!
  4. I drove up from Santa Barbara to see Dream and the Renegades in Fremont, Ca. Dream is in the right direction for sure. The Renegades simply blew us out of the stands with their power and fresh show design. It's hard to imagine too many corps being able to come close to their drum line's prowess and the horn line's big, balanced sound. I ripped up the Renegades in a review last year (in Modesto) and can tell you they are much cleaner and bigger than last year. It's just balls-out drum & bugle corps. They sound like a DCI corps when they were loud, but with a modern, fast-moving drill. I don't know what else to say except I'm hoping to march with them next year. -Steve
  5. I always look forward to hearing CV blow the stadium down (G BUGLES BABY!). Please don't turn this into a b-flat debate- I just look forward to hearing the variety of brass sounds DCA offers (that no other circuit can). DCA has the right formula. GO CV!! -Steve
  6. I know you're not Spirit, but you do blast "Georgia" very well in the parking lot! I just keep thinking about how Spirit never quite got over their '88 "Petrushka" show. Of course, Spirit had more than just design issues in '88 with financial and org problems lurking. Again, I know you're not Spirit (or Jack State)- but you'll never quite shake the link until you make shows like "Simple Gifts" work. So either blast us out the stands with b@lls-out volume while portraying the subtle shaping and beauty of Copland's music- or give us your Southern blues, gosphel, & jazz that no one else can replicate. Man, I'm just a fan of Southern drum corps and it's unique culture and approach to corps. Can't wait to make it out East and see you live. I'll be one of the crazy fools in the parking lot waiting to hear you play! Steve
  7. "Music City Metal" sounds like a good name for a salvage yard- or a place to pick up a transmission for your pickup truck. Should not the title represent more than the city of Nashville- isn't this a show for your entire region? "Music City Mettle" isn't any better either I guess. Was "Mettle" the intended alliteration?
  8. Probably a stupid question, but I can't help being inquisitive- what's the "Metal" part of the show title mean? Because "Metal" is the opposite of "Country" music?
  9. I REALLY want to see DCA, but after hearing that tickets b/w the 40s are SOLD OUT- I guess I'll pass on DCA (this year). A small, 2nd tier stadium (sorry soccor fans) just doesn't give your circuit a chance to grow (like it seems to want...)
  10. Thanks for the pre-season 'take' on the Gades! A friend of mine 'lurks' at some of their bay area rehearsals and says they sound much better than last year.
  11. The "word" is that the Renegades are more symphonic sounding this year with the emphasis on low brass. Is this true? Can you give us the inside scoop:)???
  12. We're driving up from LA to get both our Blue Devils and Renegades frickin' loud-@ss G-Bugle fix. Can't wait!!!!
  13. Heavy stuff... As an outsider to your activity. I hope at least of a few of your groups stay on your bugles (or consider switching back). The bugle's unique ensemble sound is what drew me to start liking DCA in '03. DCA's product is enhanced by having both types of instruments in your lineups. I like the sound of both, but DCA should consider keeping bugles to help distinguish itself from the DCI/BOA groups. Planning on buying a ticket to Rochester, but I'm not sure if I would go if everyone's on b-flats. DCI Indy will be my first choice if DCA is all b-flat. DCA has a great thing going (with both bugles & b-flats in your lineup). Just an outsider's "bando" opinion here...
  14. I'm not a corps guy. However, the Renegades sounded 'bigger' than the b-flat Blue Devils last year. B-flats sound too 'polite' for jazz charts. I just hope your activity can keep BOTH in your ranks. The diversity of hornline sounds make DCA a great activity. Hope to make Rochester this next year.
  15. Ok, thank for going easy on me:) Maybe it's not a practical idea. Cabs did show the power of the b-flat horn (and so did Bush), but I still love the G Bugle's unique sound that distinguishes it from my circuit (and from DCI). After Retreat, I was roaming around the buses to hear the hornlines play their final run-thru of the year. Couldn't find CorpsVets arc. Bush had A LOT of people at their's (y'all sounded great!). Then I turn around and the Renegades started to form an arc. Then tons of people started showing up. Probably 3 hundred people started pushing to get a good spot. Wow, Bush was loud, but the Renegades were even louder (no offense). My god. A boa fan is now a G Bugle fan. Renegades- my Cali brothers- please don't change under the pressure of the judges). I later heard the CorspVets had a great parking lot run-thru.
  16. What does everyone think of this? At Finals, have 2 classes with 2 separate rankings: B-Flat Class (for younger, high-performing DCI/BOA type of groups!) G-Bugle Class (for BALLSY traditional in your face drum corps!) Each corps would naturally fit into one of the two classes and DCA could grow while still keep it's heritage? This two-philosphy approach could help DCA by growing both types of hornlines and satisfy both types of fans. Anyway, I'm new to DCA and please go easy on me. thanks for a great weekend. I love both the balanced sound of B-Flats (Bucs and especially Bush were awesome) but still want to have the CorpsVets' G-Bugles rip my face off!
  17. BOA Rules! As more 'drum corps' turn to b-flats- with controlled volumes, vocals, and amps you'll see which circuit is the real influence in the end (BOA->DCI->DCA). Go B-Flat DCA! It won for the Bucs and look at their crowd reaction last year. Us BOA geeks don't know what to think about the Renegades, but admittely they were freakin' fun to watch on Saturday. -Steve
  18. After hearing the Renegades' Family Day show i Concord (with 52 G Kanstul Bugles), the Bucs, Bush, and Cabs marching bands better watch out. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for b-flats, but the Renegades make want to reconsider that philosophy! Steve Goletta, CA
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