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Everything posted by the_sorcerer's_apprentice

  1. We were always told to do it for each other. Each member owed a great performance to everyone else in the circle, and in return would get a great show from 134 others.
  2. I thought it was cute when the Bluecoats did in the middle of their second song this year. Another "percussion" instrument that I like is the whirly tube (it's official name), which the pit uses. It's the plastic tube you can swing around and it makes whistling sound. And you could chase people with it under the guise of "but I'm practicing!"
  3. I love it when someone goofs up and the lady's voice comes on. As my friend said once, "She sounds hot."
  4. There are some really awesome moments in corps music history, but the visual is what makes people go "ooo" and "ahhh." Without all the jazz running, company fronts and robot moves it just wouldn't seem the same. It'd be like going to a concert, only louder and no strings or woods. And there wouldn't be a colorguard.
  5. Crown has definitely improved in the last few years. I love the chocolately smooth sound.
  6. Heh...I remember hearing about the show early in July, and everyone thought it was going to be stupid. "Um, they do the robot out onto the field?" I was so wrong. Spectacular show.
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