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Everything posted by Seth_h

  1. I have never denied that aot are good judges, but certain judges, like Todd Fox, do not know what they are talking about.
  2. I never said anything bad about him. I respect him myself. One of the few judges this year that gave us the number we deserved. I was just addressing judging in general.
  3. On the topic of judges. DCI judging is very hard to describe. Most judges know what they are talking about, some judges really do not. I may get flamed for this but this is my opinion and I have gained this from personal experience. So, judging is hard to figure out. Also, we are not saying Cadets were bad, we are just saying there were lines out that that were better or just as good.
  4. I think Phantom should have won it. They were clean and musical. As far as Cadets go, they were clean but SCV and PR were cleaner and more musical. Also, when I watch the Vic Firth bid of just the Cadets bases, the rythmic inaccuracies are scary. I say they are scary because it was't just in one spot, it was all over the place. I don't remember much about the pits but from what I do remember SCV had a better pit also.
  5. Should the Cadets have won the drum title this year? Tell me what you think and please give thoughtful, well thought-out answers. I will give my opinion shortly.
  6. I chose other. I chose the 5th Floor. Its the cadence we use at Teal. I chose it because it grooves hard the whole time, its got a written accel, a 3/4 polyrythm part, the solos are notey, and the end is sweet.
  7. Where do u march right now?
  8. Two judges, one on the field and one in the stands. Both need to be experienced in mallet and rudimental percussion, make them go through an exam before being a cerified judge.
  9. Seth_h

    Magic 98

    Its ok, I do agree the style probably will change but it doesn't seem like its gonna go back to the way it was. But good luck to Magic this year, have to support the Florida Corps!
  10. Seth_h

    Magic 98

    Based off of last year and what they are playong this year and knowing people in the corps from both "generations" of Magic, I like old Magic better. I like the shows they played and the way they played. Its an opinion, if u don't like it I'm sorry. But also based off of what they are playing this year and the staff they are assembling it seems like they are changing the organiztion, and I just like the old SHOWS and STYLE better, i like how they run things now. I'm also not the only person of this opinion.
  11. Seth_h

    Magic 98

    Can you guys give me your opinions. I'm not a brass player but I LOVE old Magic, the new stuff is okay but the stuff from the 90's is way better. Also, where did the hornline finsh score wise in pre-lims? Thanks
  12. Cavaliers, Blue Devils, Santa Clara, Glassmen(the ballad was SOOOOOOO cool), Crossmen, Troopers.
  13. Ben Harloff taught at Magic in 2002.
  14. Political Correctness is a quick way to have a very bad society. You know what, in life people say and do things that offend other people, DEAL WITH IT. No one ver said life is fair and if they did they lied to you. Parents suing Mcdonalds cuz their kids are fat or they burnt THEMSELVES with their coffee are just two examples of the problems with this country. Parents need to actually play a role in their kids life and tell them what things are right and wrong and not blame someone else for their kids or their own screw ups. Take responsibilty for your actions people.
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