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Everything posted by Aurum

  1. WOW - now THIS is an "Alliance" to beat all others. I must say that you guys impressed the heck out of us as well. WAY TO GO on your first season out...don't ever stop making history. This was my final season with Gold (That's me in the front row of our pic together...minus my shoes...with my toes pointed a la guard-style), and Alliance will be a strong part of the weekend's memories when I reflect back on the first time Gold made finals. Thanks for the cheer that was such an incredible boost, and the picture that sums up why we do this activity.
  2. ...not so much on how DCA conducts themselves, but what they will require from show sponsors.
  3. I LOVED meeting Hurcs Honor Guard...ya'll are FUN FUN FUN!!!! Thanks for being part of one of my favorite moments at Finals this season - I enjoyed cutting up with you as we lined up for retreat!
  4. As I understood it, and I do not remember who told me this, aren't there supposed to be two ambulances on site...one local, and one from the next town over (so - one from Moosic and one from Scranton?) This type of set up allows for other ambulances to be available for those areas, so that the the local EMT service's resources are not "tapped-out".
  5. Hey!!! back at'cha!! LOL! Gold thanks you CV for raising the bar everytime we went out...While it was a feel good to make 8th both nights, it was even better having 2 DCA-S open-class corps representing our region in finals. :mmm: - CHEERS to all the southern corps! A job WELL DONE!
  6. THANK YOU ALL!!!! To the Gold Alumni (members and staff) - We could not have made it without your involvement, support and contribution over these past few years. I hope we made you proud and represented YOUR hard work from past seasons well. Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to celebrate the moment with you in person soon! To all of our friends in W-S - Thank YOU for hosting such an awesome preview, and for all the hard work you put in to it. We could hear you cheering us on all the way in Scranton! Please know we are cheering for you as well...we will keep our fingers crossed. To all.... Thanks to all the corps for a great contest. and... HOORAY!!! WE FINALLY DID IT!!!!!
  7. Dear Bill, Thank you for sharing with us some insight on how wonderful Joel is, and for allowing those of us who do not know him to grieve with the Kilties. God bless,
  8. On behalf of Carolina Gold, I extend to Lothar's family, the Kilties and the entire Drum Corps community our thoughts and prayers in light of this tragic loss. After reading the kind sentiments in this thread, many of you are far luckier than we to have had the opportunity to really know Joel. I appreciate all of you who shared your personal stories about him, and the posts with the picture of him...he seems like a great friend. I know the Kilties returned to the field to honor Joel, and they honored him very well. For me personally - they are the epitome' of courage. God bless.
  9. True....maybe he confused the indigenous people of W-S with the Bushwackers...I did see the translation table they were using for their trip south. It was more of a Southern “tobacco” or Southern “mountain” dialect as opposed to Southern Piedmont. LOL! Hey Bush….I will see if I can find an updated table for your next trip south! Thanks for making the long journey, and it was great seeing you again in Kingston!
  10. OMG!!!! This has to be THE FUNNIEST thing I have ever read on DCP. Thank you, Rich!!! Ignorance* is bliss. One would hope that for the sake of expansion, and for the livelihood of the activity, others will be more receptive to “thinking outside of the box”. The concept making a 14+ hour journey for a competition is as foreign to many as the southern language and its many dialects (yes, there are dialects). I applaud those organizations who took time to learn “the language”, and sample the local flavors with an open mind. If any thing, I believe the W-S show proved there are plenty of new drum corps fans out their waiting to pick their favorite DCA corps and show. *NOTE - Ignorance should NOT be confused with stupidity, so please do not read it that way.
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