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bill last won the day on January 17 2015

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  1. One would think the most important aspect would be detailing the power flow (chain of command) of these positions and how they fall within the structure. As example,---who hires staff, who hires the person hiring staff, who has control over the person hiring staff, etc. etc. There should always be a "pecking order", a "buck stops here" scenario. In any organization and/or organizational structure (business, non-profit, government, etc.) position titles mean little without knowing where any (said) position stands in the flow of control and authority. A sincere best of luck...........
  2. The 1980 off-season was the deciding factor. The corps was (A) not in a very strong financial position, (B) the national economy was really hitting some areas of the country hard (if not the whole country) and more importantly......(C) local base involvement (as far as membership).....was way, way down; mostly due to the economic factors within the area. Members could no longer take off work, etc. in order to remain involved during the competitive season (as many were able to do in prior seasons). The corps had 50 (or so) active members throughout the off-season, the other (around) 80 were just on "paper" and not showing for rehearsals. The decision was made to not field, although the Kiltie Kadets continued for a few more seasons; and the Kiltie booster/parent's club kept active continuing to support the Kiltie Kadets and retire some of the organization's old debt.
  3. Wearing black made them look smaller. :-)
  4. There were already females in the corps (Kilties) inasmuch the color guard section went coed in the 1999 season. It was brought to a membership vote to open the brass and percussion sections to females starting in the 2000 season. There were actually two items presented to the membership, sadly it was combined into one issue for one overall vote. The question was: Open membership to females in all sections and maintain the the bottom age limit at 21. All but two members voted "yes", thus opening the corps to full coed and (sadly IMO) keeping the lower minimum age at 21. I voted "no" due to the age limit; getting involved on the recruitment end (at that time) it was clear the corps needed to lower it's minimum age limit. I suggested to the Board of Directors down to 18 years old as a starting point (which came about a few years later), but it fell on deaf ears. I recall one member taking the season off (there may had been another), but the reason for him taking the year off was family related and he returned in 2001 to perform with the corps through the 2010 season.
  5. A Drum Corps New Years Greeting - YouTube
  6. North American corps eliminated from finals competitive performance by inclusion of none North American corps (into the finals competitive line-up): Sky--3 times (including 2017), Carolina Gold--2 times, Bush--1 time, Kilties--1 time.
  7. 1) A corps needs a score from a DCA sanctioned show to be seeded in performance order at the championship prelims. A score from a DCI show, carries no weight. It's clearly explained in the DCA Rulebook. 2) CT has tried to host a DCA sanctioned show in the past, but the only DCA corps that would commit to traveling to Cincinnati in support of a show were the Kilts. At that time 3 corps were required to have a DCA sanctioned show. 3) DCA is specifically chartered as an organization for "North American" corps.
  8. Share points are based on the net income of the championship itself, and thus varies (each year) on how much each point is worth. During the regular season a DCA corps receives one share point for every sanctioned DCA show they attend....and a share point for hosting a show (if they do); thus a "home show" for a corps would be worth 2 share points. A corps must attend the championships to receive any share points whatsoever; season earned, championship earned and/or hosting show corps earned. No championship attendance, no share points.
  9. For one reason (of several)----money. Historically finalist (Open and Class A) receive extra "share points". One share point is equal to a set amount of money. Another point is "status", within the drum corps community and to the everyday fan.
  10. Although----presently a North American corps is replaced among the "competitive" finals line-up when a non-North American corps is allowed in and, in turn, that displaced corps does not receive the financial perks (of being allowed to compete), much less compete itself. In short, a North American corps can become a voting member with being a top 10 scored corps, and be sitting in the stands..........and with a lighter wallet as well. Non-North American corps should be allowed to compete in prelims, to show their wares, then proclaimed complimentary international visiting champion----and allowed to put on a judged exhibition at finals; thus elevating the next qualifying North American corps up one slot from prelims....into finals. One will never see an American corps even allowed to compete in any European or Asian drum corps circuit, from my understanding..........why, because, for one reason, they do not geographically qualify.
  11. June 1st is the class declaration date, and then determination was made, being 4 this year. Although, DCA can (and does) break their own rules----as example, no fines for some corps, allowing North American corps to be displaced from finals competition by none-North American corps....Hucs, Carolina Gold, Kilts, etc. have felt the sting of that over the years; by charter, DCA is for North American corps.
  12. It's the Russians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Sometimes it simply stops being fun and/or enjoyable for oneself vrs the amount of time being put in on the competitive aspect, in short---balance...........after-all, it is supposed to be a hobby.
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