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Everything posted by Daave

  1. "My brain hurts" ($1 to D.P Gumby) and ($1 to me for the obscure Monty Python reference) I think I need a bottle of aspirin and box of contraceptives because I have ******* headache!
  2. As the old saying goes, that is an hour of my life i'll never get back. Sheesh.
  3. Since words have meaning, and I'm just going to get accused of trolling: If the new statement "Might" indicate why, then how can that mean he "Is" innocent? You cant have, in the same sentence, a possibility followed up with a declarative or definitive of why the possibility Is so. It can't be so if you acknowledge there is still a possibility of other options.
  4. Yay! So we have another dozen or so posts about your over the top devotion to the life of Mr King to look forward to that say the same thing... over and over and over. I'll refill my Xanax. This is as creepy as Michael Jackson and Joan Rivers playing a game of got your nose.
  5. I'm just an old retired Army guy, but it was always my experience that current Marines, Retired Marines and former Marines often referred to Marines who were other than honorably dismissed from service as ex Marines as a way to ensure there was a distinction between the former and the latter. Marines who honorably served were never referred to as ex Marines.
  6. Taking the article at face value, 15+ years ago, a "source" relayed to Rice a rumor. It has to be worked backwards from there. Unless and until the "source" is identified, contacted and cooperates, everything else is speculation. It's an investigative lead for whomever chooses to try. For all we know, the rumor told to the "source", at the time, may also have been third part hearsay. It appears now that it may have validity. However, if those involved believed the rumor (and a potential crime may have been committed) then why contact DCI? Why not contact the authorities or disclose the source so it could be further investigated. At this point the only person with potential information is the "source". In HR speak, "it's more likely than not" that Hopkins couldn't keep various parts of his anatomy to himself. With regard to what Rice has provided, there is no clear and convincing evidence, just the uncorroborated third party hearsay and most certainly not any proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a judicial proceeding would require.
  7. Unless the "source" that is often referred to in the article is now willing to come forward with the information, there is most likely little any investigation could do with third part hearsay that is 15 years old. "... and everybody wanted to get in the newspaper story about it." Arlo Guthrie - "Alice's Restaurant Massacree"
  8. His life is being ruined? Lots of things in life come along that might ruin it, but I'm not too sure this ranks up there.
  9. More and with a twist http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/cadets-sexual-harassment-drum-corps-george-hopkins-rape-20180411.html
  10. One of the things I find interesting is while it clearly lays out that these things must be accomplished in order tour this summer, there is no date to comply listed in the article. For the sake of discussion, let just say YEA was told June 1, 2018 as that date. The article provides no other options other than comply or no participation. That puts many people in a no win situation... from the membership, to parents, staff, bus and food contracts, and on and on. Whether by design or not, it truly puts the onus on this new board to act quickly and appropriately.
  11. "The terms of the probation include multiple steps for YEA! to take in order for its drum corps to participate in the upcoming 2018 DCI Summer Tour." It they lays out all of the steps. That reads to me that they have a very short time to get these things accomplished. 2 Months? If he left them in a bad way, this may be the hardest. The YEA! organization must also submit a comprehensive financial plan and budget that clearly demonstrates its ability to participate successfully in the 2018 DCI Summer Tour while providing a safe and quality experience to its member students.
  12. Never, in the history of calming down has anyone ever calmed down after being told to calm down. However, studies show that people named Francis have lightened up after having been told to do so by Sgt Hulka.
  13. How does one deny allegations that were "professionally and vigorously investigated" despite there being "no cooperation at all from those making those accusations" Not sure how vigorous or thorough that type of investigation could be.
  14. Simple rules to crisis management. Violate any one of them and you're gonna have a bad time. Since this has been simmering for some time now, it would appear that they are about to have a bad time. Tell the truth Tell it first Tell it yourself Tell it all
  15. We also talked about tap dancing Jesus in a loincloth.
  16. I dunno, it might depend on who the VA judge was that night.
  17. Well, at least they didn't say Marching Member. Otherwise you end up with statues playing violin into a mic, or Tap Dancing Jesus in a loin cloth.
  18. If one is taking flak, it generally means one is over the target. One can either divert one's course to avoid the flak or one can open the bomb bay doors. GH usually opens the bomb bay doors. However, instead of bombs, it's kitchen sinks. Kinda like 2014?
  19. On the "for what it's worth" scale and being a Trooper mark, I can't remember a time since 2007 that the Troopers announced a show by talking to the local news in Casper. If I had to guess, Fred was being interviewed and spoke of some things that might be getting kicked around currently and it was reported as the real deal. I think I'll wait until we hear it from the Troopers. They have normally had an announcement through their own media not the local news and this one doesn't feel right. JMO
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