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Everything posted by rightofway

  1. he was playing a double c??! wow i bet phantom will win crass...i mean..brass this year!
  2. And then, on top of that set somehow making it into the show, it was of course the part put into slow-motion during the ESPN broadcast. Awesome. Also, the near-swastika that blue knights made that year was put into slow motion as steve rondinaro and dennis delucia pointed out some interval errors.
  3. it's to the tune of 1812 overture, for those of you trying to sing along at home.
  4. "I march phantom cuz i like 4th place I march phantom with my angry face"...not sure about the next few lines
  5. Alternatively, your friend can email DCI ask to be put on the age-out list for 09 (or whatever year will be his last year marching). He'll get the pin and be on the field at the end of the season with the rest of the "real" age-outs. It's my understanding that DCI honors such requests. If someone does do this, they are then ineligible to march after that year. It is like they have actually aged out.
  6. http://www.dci.org/news/view.cfm?news_id=a...60-441dbec2afb5
  7. I was referring to the king baritones that the phantom regiment uses, obviously.
  8. King baritones are small shank. King euphoniums are large shank. Jupiter baritones are small shank. Jupiter euphoniums are large shank. woooo
  9. Yes...and it was their visual program that held them back.
  10. does this mean they wont have the baggiest pants in the top 12 anymore?
  11. I've heard a story about a '95 PR member who marched 1996 Bluecoats and fainted on the retreat field when the tie was announced...anyone else hear/see anything? Also, doesn't GE break ties now?
  12. If you are looking for something specific, then it would be their visual program that held them back. Not only was Machine better, it took until the very last night of the season for the judges to decide that Faust was 0.3 better than The Godfather, Part Blue.
  13. The most relaxed straight-leg marching i've ever seen. IMO, BD moves the most elegantly and makes things appear effortless (despite what the performer is actually going through). I suppose I am comparing it to the Cadets, though. I guess some would call the cavalier marching technique "relaxed," though I have a few other words for it..
  14. I think relaxed marching technique, incredible feet, loud hornlines, and pure badassery is pretty entertaining. That's why I like the blue devils.
  15. Actually, I was thinking the opposite...there might be some pressure to prove that 08 was not a fluke.
  16. Well considering that BD and Phantom never had ATB together the entire summer (except for the 4th of july when it was with Academy, PC, and Vanguard at the Rose Bowl and each corps had their own separate arc), you have been lied to.
  17. I would imagine logistics being the main issue...# of uniforms and instruments being the big factor.
  18. The corps had 29 age-outs, if I remember correctly (obviously this does not necessarily mean that there were a ton of rookies, but there were certainly not as many age-outs as usual).
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