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  1. Seems like the Joe Hobbs to Crown rumors are all but confirmed given his Facebook post "These are always tough posts to make. I will be stepping away from both the Bluecoats and Music City Drum Corps for the upcoming summer. I can’t express how much gratitude and love I have towards both organizations. Both corps have some truly amazing administrators, teachers, and students. I will always cherish my time with both organizations and will miss all of you tremendously. To everyone involved, much love to you all and I can’t wait for our paths to cross again."
  2. Once again...maybe it's not one the (most decorated in all activities) drill writer that's the real issue just like the top percussion staffs aren't the real issue...
  3. Maybe it’s time to try changing a different variable…they’ve gone through several HOF / top drum staffs, several program coordinators…maybe the problem isn’t actually the percussion people…
  4. According to Facebook the battery, front ensemble, and electronics designer are the ones who won’t be returning. In modern times those roles all seem to be linked together as teams usually do indoor and drum corps together (this team is also the monarch team) Program coordinator, brass arranger, and visual design all staying. I wouldn’t expect massive changes to the design.
  5. He took Bluecoats from an after thought to Sanford contenders, then went (back) to Cavaliers and won two Sanfords… how is that failing? Lol
  6. It's funny, what was so endearing about the 2022 show was that it was still Troopers, but in a modern way. Whereas in the past they'd always been pigeon holed doing the same old same old. Hopefully they don't fall into that same trend.
  7. Probably more the design/staff than males not wanting to be in an all male corp. Members only get a few years to march, and it's EXPENSIVE, why risk going some place that has a shaky record on cool shows? Cavies were obviously fine for like...most of their entire existence being all male. It makes it more difficult, but is a small short term bump worth abandoning your entire identity when that's not the actual issue?
  8. Because it's not a great idea to burn bridges in an activity this small. Usually a "thanks for the opportunity, wish the org success in the future" is all we get/all is needed.
  9. Agree, we can argue that being co-ed held Madison back, but they continued to spin their tires after going co-ed until they got the right design team, then boom, finals. Is it more of a challenge to recruit with a smaller pool? Yes! Is it possible to be successful still? Also Yes! Looking at horn/percussion videos, it seems like there are maybe 5% of perc and 25% of horn lines that aren't male, that's not a huge gap to make up. Now, the greatest challenge is of course in colorguard, where the general participation rates skew much higher for women. I think Madison/Cavies both fell into the trap of trying to cater their show design to something #MEN would like and join to help them recruit more, instead of just making baller shows that anyone would want to join. It came off as pandering and a little low brow. Glitch, Change is Everything, Vagabond, Mind, all shows that could have been done by an all male corps and would recruit way more performers than the shows Cavies have done about themselves/"men". TL;DR just get designs that are cool and the kids will follow.
  10. They were 5th or lower all year, and were only 4th at finals in 2017, as their best finish out of the bunch, I'd hardly call that competing for a medal.
  11. ANYWAYS, any staff changes? I hear change is everything.
  12. They actually have had 4 guard caption heads in 2 years. In 2023 the caption head got fired/left mid tour and someone took over. Then they hired Lentz and co for 2024 that didn't make it to April camp, and then the Origins team came on for the rest of the year. I'd give them some time to cook.
  13. The directors last night were all Tom Blair's folks who have done it for decades (even if Tom is retired). They have copious notes and plans on shots. They're all former drum corps people.
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