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Everything posted by MaryJoe'sGills

  1. Erraaa... One for each corps that scores the highest! D'oh! $1 to Jeffsnewjetta...
  2. Erraaaaa... No kidding! Do you know how much it costs for a gallon of gasoline in San Francisco? Great baserunning by the Youk last night!!!
  3. Erraaa... Therein lies the problem, friend...I believe what the OP is referring to, is being denied permission in the first place. Did you see Manny's homer last night?
  4. Errrrraaaaaaaaaaa....... Thanks for clearing that up friend, but that doesn't make it an acceptable practice, either. Didn't the corps have an itinerary (or at least a clue) as to how each member was planning to get home? Even if they didn't, I can't imagine a corps administrator telling a member it's OK to beg for change to make the 3000+ mile trek back to CA. I've gotta go, Manny's beating up my secretary.
  5. There were many erra's out there, but they were very strong. A cleva show, too...
  6. Errraaaa... While I agree with you that, overall, "it is just good to see them on the field this summer"...wasn't this corps granted World Class membership for next year? Scary thought. OK, I'm gonna watch Manny and Youk duke it out some more.
  7. Yessir. eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... They're the highly unpopular cadet corps of the Schenectady Fusterclucks.
  8. I predict that the corps who wins Open Class will be the one with the most points. eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaa............... Anyone seen Jeff Ream??? I need to pay him a shiny quarter.
  9. The Bawbyville Backscratchas eerrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... I just made that up.
  10. Errraaaaaaaaa..... I guess not in the judges' eyes, there, friend. But hey, to each his own I say. Erraaa...I'm gonna go get a slice of some wicked pissah pizzer...
  11. Errraaaaaaaaa... videos? Is this Coach Belichick? Matt Walsh?
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