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Everything posted by mckdan

  1. Bingo my good sir! I've heard all year how Troopers have such a bland show, but when they play loud they suck! Homers always trash the corps they are most afraid of!
  2. Could be the effect of the dome, or if you are watching on Fan Network, the placement of the mikes!
  3. It is amazing that there is as much movement in 1-3 this year as there is in 12-15! Cadets, Cavies or BD could, on any night, beat the other two and with Troopers, Spirit, and Glassmen (and possibly Academy) any of those could end up in 12th and any other in 15th! It's nice not to see slotting this year (although the radical homers all think that their corps should be 2-3 points over the others). Everything is wide open and it is refreshing!
  4. BD and Cadets both beating Cavies tonight, and by a large margin! I don't know what the f87k to think! Salute to BD and Cadets!
  5. I marched in Troopers and we completely changed the opener and concert between tours, but, I thought this was about bringing in a new closer just for finals or maybe semis and finals.
  6. Come on Troop! Pull a few old-school rehearsals, lock up the mp3 players, cellphones and computers and kick some serious ###! :thumbup:
  7. Wow, and I thought that Cavies had it sewn up! Hard to believe that SCV won by about 800 points! BD must really be shocked. I am sure that the fix was in!
  8. I would think that a "new closer" would include both new music and marching! The only incident that I can remember was SCV in the early 80's with their "Bottle Dance" addition. Changing a few bars of music or counts of drill don't really count!
  9. I said that I thought that Cadets would beat BD, but, Crown would not beat them. I just think that Cadets have a show that will top out at finals over BD and Crown would not have enough juice to pass BD.
  10. We weren't allowed to bang our rocks together, either! We had walkmans, video games, etc back in the day! We may not have had the distractions of cell phones or computers, but, kids will be kids and will become distracted if you let them! Drum corps should be the only "distraction" that these kids should be allowed until they march off of the field after finals!
  11. There should never be ties in shows! Just have a duel to the death between drum majors! (Although I think that would give Troopers an unfair advantage. lol)
  12. Troop - Eliminate the tarp. Get rid of all computers, cell phones, digital music players and video games for the last 10 days of the season. Go old school and never leave the practice field except to eat, sleep, and the rare restroom breaks! On the buses the percussion and horns go over every note of the music from the opening phrase to the final cut off! Not a word is to be said on the practice field except for instructor input! We did this in '79 and the results were amazing! GO TROOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:
  13. I really think that this is the most realistic prediction, from top to bottom, I've seen. Cavies are still the corps to beat and I think that BD foes not have the show to pass Cadets. Crown is fantastic, but, not BD! There may be a difference of a spot or so from 5-11, but, I think your guess is pretty good there. I am in shock when I see BK being left out in the cold with SOA and Academy passing them! Both corps are not even in the same level as BK and do not have a chance this year. I also really like the prediction of Troop making 12th. They have stayed in contact with Spirit and even closer with Gmen. Their show is great and judge-friendly and I believe that they will make their final push in the last few days and sew up 12th!
  14. OMG! I guess we have found the new commissioner for scoring for DCI!!!!!
  15. Just remember, BD wasn't BD for a few years after they got started! Music City needs seasoning and their instructors and arrangers need experience. I look forward to seeing how they grow in the next few years!
  16. ....when your idea of movie night with the wife includes at least one full DCI finals! (I am not guilty)!
  17. Wow, this is a really bold prediction. I just don't see Academy beating BK, Spirit, Glassmen or Troopers this year. And anyone who says that Academy will pass up BK doesn't need a round, they are already pretty snockered!
  18. Hey, I have no problem with Crossmen! I just think that they are a year away from making a real push into finals. I am just saying that I have seen people putting Troop as low as 18th this year, in the last week or so, and that is just ridiculous! Troopers have few weak areas this year and if they can tweek their show they will surprise. Crossmen are where Troop was last year (except with better percussion) and will definately keep the corps from 10-15 on their toes next year! It is just difficult to see everyone trashing Troop by stating that they will fall way off by the end of the season.
  19. I am about the biggest Troop fan and homer you will ever find and I agree that you are right about them making 8th, but, that is not what was said. He said that Troop had top 8 talent not that their show was going to be top 8! It is important to read the entire post before you post a reply!
  20. I marched with you in 80-81 and respect your opinion. I actually hope that the corps loses the tarp, too. I just kind of gets in the way and is really not necessary. I think that the corps will be able to tweek the show and make it into finals this year. I can only hope that the talent level jumps from this year to next like it did from last year to this year. Maybe next year we could be talking whether or not Troop will be getting into the G8. (I can only hope)!
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