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Everything posted by dciboy2000

  1. Wow. I am really excited for the corps this year. Under great instruction so far. I wonder what they might play?!
  2. You, my friend, are sooo wrong. LOST was, is, and will always be one of the best masterpieces to ever run across our TV screens. Now, for my top 10! :) 1. Carolina Crown - I just don't understand how so many people dislike this show. The music and marching was incredible. IMHO, should have won. 2. Phantom Regiment - This show BLEW ME AWAY. So emotional, so entertaining and executed extremely well, if you as me. IMHO, should have medaled. 3. Cadets - If we take a moment to just look past little Jeffery, this show was simply Incredible. IMHO, should have medaled. 4. Blue Coats - I have never been a big fan until 2010. This show draws you in and keeps you there until the very end. Very good. 5. Blue Stars - Amazing music. This corps knows how to march, and OMG they are running everywhere! Loved it. 6. Blue Knights - Entertaining show. Nice marching and great playing. 7. SCV - The design of this show was superb. Music and Visual worked perfectly together. IMHO should have placed higher. 8. Glassmen - Great music. Horn line much improved. Very entertaining show. 9. Madison - This was a good start to a new beginning. 10. Spirit - Really entertaining, except for the vocals. Nice to see them doing well.
  3. really, about Crossmen? Well, I don't have an opinion right now. It's too early.... but I can only hope for a return to top 12 for Bones
  4. I agree with the "Contact" ballad idea. As of right now, I agree with most people that many things will change around by summer, but please KEEP the CONTACT BALLAD! Listen to this piece! Jay Bocook + this piece= amazingdecilciousness on the football field
  5. This is great news for Crossmen. Ed is a great guy, and he definitely can write some drill
  6. agreed! One of my fav movies as well. Score is very underrated. It's beautiful. I actually think I have the soundtrack on CD lying around somewhere a great choice for a drum corps ballad.
  7. This would not be the ballad. I was also at the Webinar on Sunday. the ballad they they are most likely considering is the theme from the 1997 movie "Contact" and written by Alan Silvestri. Here is a link to the the possible ballad... which, IMO, is one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever heard
  8. Saw my first show on PBS in 1997. I fell in love then. Saw my first live drum corps show in 1998. Then started marching 1999-2002.
  9. Isn't this thread suppose to be about JAY BOCOOK?????
  10. This is such a great topic. My favorite tour food was when I marched with Glassmen. They would have these english muffin pizzas, plain or pepperoni. We would normally have these after a show as a snack. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. YUM!
  11. I marched with Melissa in Xmen that year. We all thought it was a sweet gesture, until we heard everyone saying how rude that was for all performing corps. We all kinda felt bad. It was her age out, so I understand why it was there. It definitely was her parents, I just didnt think they knew how distracting it was going to be. It gave us all something to talk about that year. I do remember hearing it on the recordings that year... it just brings back memories of a terrific summer ____________________ ok, back on topic.... 1996 Magic of Orlando: "Is that a rocket ship? because it looks like a huge...."
  12. I want to say congrats to all who marched in this years show. I was very happy to see the corps starting to get it back together. Music selections were great, but I would agree with most on here, that the arrangements weren't so stellar. But I have to give the kids credit, they played the heck out of what they were given. I though they had a pretty powerful hornline compared to recent years. I'm definitely looking forward to see where they take things in the next few years. Under new direction after the past few years, this can only be for the better. I also agree with bringing in some past talent this corps has seen....namely Dean and Chuck. They worked wonders for us when I marched. Great upstanding guys who know what this corps CAN be
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