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Old Corps Guy

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Everything posted by Old Corps Guy

  1. That's because they don't have a good response for the poor quality of their product.
  2. Lovin' the guy rockin' the Fielder Brewers jersey on the sideline for Blue Knights. Yes, I'm still a homer when it comes to my True Blue Brew Crew!
  3. I think they already have been. There are some ataff from earlier in the year that are no longer on tour.
  4. I keep forgetting how steep this stadium is compared to others. LOL
  5. Is it just me or is Regiment having serious intonation issues tonight? posted from the DrumScorps app
  6. I forgot to turn down my sub-woofer to prevent the thunderous goo!🤨🤣 posted from the DrumScorps app
  7. This risk is in play with all electronics. If memory serves, Bluecoats lost almost all their electronis at Semi-finals during their first championship season and still kept their lead over BD.
  8. And this is why I started the conversation. Some would say, and have already said, "This is the WGI-ification of drum corps"
  9. Jeff, your starting to reach at this point. The tempo is "locked in" once the recording starts. Yes, projecting it forward is a true statement. However, the tempo is still locked just like a metronome. This is the dirty little secret behind pre-recorded audio. Everyone knows it is happening. They just don't want to talk about it.
  10. And once the button is hit, you have a metronome. Is that the Staples "Easy" button? Why, yes it is!
  11. I see that those defending the use of pre-recorded singing have gone silent after this comment.
  12. This is great conversation. While I can appreciate the desire for clean music and hence, the pre-recorded vocals, I still come back to the same thought "This is performance Art" and the performance should be "live" by the performers on the field. This year, I believe corps have gone too far and are depending on pre-recorded vocals. I will go so far as to say that pre-recorded vocals have a tempo locked in. How is that different from a metronome on the field, which is illegal?
  13. Do you have any idea how little composers make? Most performers make very little money as well. Go to any bar and listen to a band play a gig. Then ask them afterwards if they have another job. I can tell you that most will answer yes. I want it free and make others pay for it is a very slippery slope. At some point, you run out of other people's money and then what are you left with?
  14. That's not it at all. While Bluecoats are a prime example of using pre-recorded vocals this year, the issue has been growing each year. The Marching Arts are a performance based activity and to depend on pre-recorded musicians removes some of the "performance" by musicians. My OP was activity based and not single corps based.
  15. So far, only one or two people have disagreed with me and even they started to come around "a little".
  16. How do you suggest the original composers get compensated? You appear to be suggesting that they give away their music for free and only the lawyers are benefitting. This leads me to believe some are not part of the 80% of people here that are musicians (my guess and nothing more), many of which do music for a living, and just want "Free Stuff" for your benefit. Did I go a bridge too far?
  17. Thank you for providing a clear example of my suggestion. Yes, some of what is shown above would not be permitted. That is not necessarily a bad thing, just a need to adapt.
  18. OK, I can agree with this part. As I stated at the beginning, effects and spoken word I can accept. Setting the boundaries may have gone too far with recorded singing. I truly believe this needs to be addressed.
  19. I was speaking to a marching band judge at the Katy show and he made the comment that he calls out bands that have a soloist that he can see clearly playing on side two while hearing their actual solo coming out of a speaker on side one. You would think that sound engineers on the field could at least get a soloist sound to come out of the speakers on the side where the soloist is standing. I saw so many people looking all over the field trying to find the soloist. This applies to your comment of hearing away from where you are seeing. We have the technology...................... Unfortunately, Terri is right on this part. Shotgun mics appear to be here to stay.
  20. You make a valid point. However, that is spoken to music. I believe the recorded words in Hamilton include music. I have not heard the sample by itself to be able to provide a conclusive response. To take that a step further, I believe every rap artist would state that when they rap, it is music. However, I couldn't rap a gift box if I tried.
  21. Year was 2012, correct? I am calling for singing to be performed live. You stated 70s, 80s, 90s. There was no singing by your corps in those years if memory serves correctly. At least not pre-recorded.
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