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Everything posted by CDUB

  1. My guess is not that they have competent counsel but that the copyright owners or agents are being tough and DCI therefore needs time to try to get its ducks in a row. Notice I said "try." DCI won't be the same without DVDs. They're the best recruiting and marketing tool DCI has.
  2. I think one of these angelic voices should sing "all-ll rriigghhh-ttyyyy thennnn" in the style of Ace Ventura.
  3. '16 prediction. No narration. No singing. But....SIGN LANGUAGE
  4. The ending needs a rewrite. The first 5 minutes of Cadets had my jaw dropped.
  5. Though xmen had a lot of good visual GE. The music was boring at best.
  6. I was just thinking how awesome it would be if Xmen had a singer-soloist. Dreams do come true, I guess.
  7. Maybe next time try not to have an out of breath soloist?
  8. Fair enough, but I (and lots of other people) didn't pay $100 to be guinea pigs
  9. This product sucks. If there was a DVR feature it would make it bearable. But going up my night to watch a choppy broadcast is not fun.
  10. What is going on with at the very end where they are playing but then put their horns down? Is it a "audio illusion" in that the sound is actually coming from the speakers and they are just pretending to play? The effect is lost on me.
  11. Thanks. I was concerned that there was a technical issue.
  12. It's 925 eastern and all I see is the DCI logo . . . what's going on?
  13. Got my Blu-Ray yesterday. Picture and sound are great. I watched all of disc one except for Cadets and Cavies because of (a) my own time constraints (Cavies) and (b) I didn't feel like listening to a 12-minute history lesson (Cadets). A few quick thoughts: --BD: Good god can they ever move. Just an incredible show, thought not my personal favorite. (If you haven't watched the finale to see the members' reactions when the score is read, do it--pretty cool) --Coats: Love this show; the production crew did a nice job with this one. Anyone ever see a corps cover the field--every corner of it--like Bloo did this year? --Vanguard: I like this show, but I feel like 2004's was a bit better. That may be just because I saw 2004's show for the first time earlier this year when SCV announced its show. This year's is still a great listen. I love SCV's style and class. --Crown: For me this show wins "most improved." I remember watching this show in late June and thinking that it was quite a mess. There are a few parts I don't like (e.g. gimmicks), but this corps really played and moved well. Can't wait to watch the rest!
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