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Everything posted by bmjfelts1988

  1. The corps would pay all the corps members triple AFM scale.
  2. This is a great idea. Lets cause every corps utter confusion by taking away a tool that they depend on every single day. While we're at it, lets make all of the hornlines play through coke bottles during their closer (in G of course).
  3. Pioneer is going to make finals within the next three years.
  4. Ok, I guess I've ruffled enough feathers for one day. Gnite all. I'm done. It's been real. Real what, I'm not sure - but it's definitely been "real". Have a fun season everyone. Looking forward to seeing finals. Got my tickets. Still love the activity. While I wish certain things were approached differently, I'm also glad some things aren't like they used to be. I definitely have mixed feelings on a lot of stuff with the activity. But as they say......."it is what it is".
  5. You obviously didn't read my comments in context because you associated my "sound engineer" statement with drum corps. It had nothing to do with drum corps. So yeah, read my comments in context would be a nice start.Boy what they say about DCP is true. This place is a joke. Why do I even try. Your meme is good advice. "Abandon thread". This is stupid.
  6. Oh boy. Those three words equal a million for me in terms of how differently I view things in comparison to our millennial generation.
  7. Hold it hold it hold it. I never said I didn't see advantages for using a Dr. Beat. I use one regularly. The difference is, I make sure the kids I teach don't depend on it. It's a great tool but it is not the end all be all. And as for my comment about "sound engineers", you are twisting my statements out of their context. I made that comment about the professional music business to show how similar the fates have been of the two "activities". Slow down, and read my comments in their context, please.
  8. Ok, I'll bite and pretend you are right (even though I went number by number with your points earlier)As for the videos. I watched them all. Know all of those shows very well and I will grant you, they all qualify as "musical moments" (especially Creep which is one of my favorites in recent years). But my problem is that those moments are much further and fewer between than they used to be. Yes, "because I say so"....meaning....."in my opinion" (which last I checked, I'm entitled to one). Finally, you keep bringing up "Buddy Rich" and now that I realize who I'm talking to, let me just say that you aren't even old enough to have seen him or his band live. I AM.....and have. You don't have a CLUE what you are talking about to insinuate that his band was "strictly accuracy" based. His band(s) swung, his band(s) had soul and his band(s) generated emotion in everything they did. If you think you are going to educate me on Buddy Rich, son, I will school you! You don't know who you are talking to. I've been places you haven't even seen because they didn't exist anymore once you were finally a thought for this world.
  9. And now it allllllllllll makes sense. I'm actually talking to a "drum instructor" (told you I was going to hurt a few feelings). I've made my living teaching as well. I'm a band director. And believe me when I tell you............I've had some all out shouting matches with your type over these very subjects on the field and in my office and have even fired a few over the years for overstepping such issues (fired one once for telling a drum major to follow the drumline after I told the whole band including the drumline to watch her). It all makes sense now. I'll bet you are just the pride of the director(s) you work for.
  10. I'm aware of that. I'd never ask a kid 4 steps from FS on the 45 to watch. However, I might ask the battery to watch should they be in the back (though these days that isn't always the case). I'm not disputing any of that. What I am disputing is the primary point of reference for tempo. There are some...no....actually....many....who would suggest that even if the battery is on or near the back hash that the battery should still be oblivious to the conductor and through their training to lock tempos 100% with the Dr. Beat that they are the untilmate authority for tempo and that the drum major sould follow THEM. I contend.....that is backwards. The drumline should absolutely watch, and indeed, that kid 4 up from the FS should then listen back....to the battery that is GLUED to the DM. But the problem is, we now train that the DM must yeild to the battery. The DM is no longer in charge of tempo in today's activity. Not all corps/staffs train this way..... many do and it makes me cringe every time I hear it taught this way. And this brings us right back to my original post on this thread. Why would you rehearse in such a way that it is impossible to start your first performance (exhibition or not) without a met....rather than rehearse in such a way that the drum major is the untilmate authority to hold it all together. I KNOW the answer......I just don't like the answer (see, I admit what actucker refuses to admit).
  11. It said "bull crap" (with the 2nd half being a little stronger word choice).
  12. Boy are you ever wrong. Go listen to 1983 Garfield, 1988 Blue Devils, 88 Santa Clara, 89 Santa Clara, 87 Santa Clara, 85 Suncoast Sound, 90 Blue Devils, 90 Star, 91 Star, 91 Blue Devils, 92 Star...........
  13. Welcome to DCP otherwise known as "TAU" (i.e., "trolls are us"). If I'm a troll, then I fit right in perfectly to this big joke fest excuse of a "discussion forum".
  14. Ok, fair enough. For starters, lets look at your questions again. 1: How do you explain the video clips I posted if you say that there is no flexibility in time? I already admitted. I haven't had time to watch them yet. I'll get to it when I can and you will just have to wait. 2: Who are these "non-musicians" you claim to be in charge of programming and instruction? I already admitted, I refuse to answer this and explained my reasons why. 3: How do you reconcile your assertion that not following a conductor contradicts all music education with the fact that you hold up Buddy Rich as an example of musicality, where there is no conductor and the drummer dictates the time much like modern drum corps and marching bands? 4: How do you reconcile your dislike of music that is precise with the fact that the musician you hold up as an example of musicality is known for being a stickler for precision (as evidenced by the recorded rants posted earlier), and who's chief detractors claim that he was "too perfect". 3 and 4 are the same question worded differently. And I responded to it on post #16 when I said "Buddy controlled the tempo - and it breathed. Which is why the band swung so hard." Now granted, you disagreed with this answer in post #17. But that doesn't mean the answer didn't exist. In fact, quite the opposite - you would have had nothing to disagree with in post #17 if I didn't answer it. (neat how that works, isn't it?) 5: What gives you the right to make a generalization about battery percussionists that they "aren't musicians" by suggesting that there are "a few exceptions"? What gives me the "right" is the fact that I indeed, have a "right" to this opinion whether you agree with it or not. Satisfied now? (probably not but that's just too bad for you).
  15. It's really not that complicated. We just make it complicated. Lancer is right. Light travels faster than sound. If we would go back to just watching the drum major, we'd be surprised how well it would work. But instead, we'd rather let the tail wag the dog. There is ONE corps though that from what I gather is not as bad with this as others. I won't mention any names but it's a corps that a lot of people hate that wins a lot. Funny, isn't it - and they have the most experienced staff of all (especially musically). Also funny, the corps that is the most progressive in terms of design is in some ways one of the most old school in terms of their approach (especially musically).
  16. You are wrong. I've answered all but the two I just admittedly dodged. Again, you just refuse to accept my answers. Give it a rest. I'm done with you.
  17. Best thing you've said this entire thread - and you should have just stopped right there.
  18. I've already answered all of those questions except ONE.......that being #2. And I'm not going to answer it because 1) doing so not add anything to the dicussion at all and 2) it would be slanderous.I suppose I've also ignored one other. No, I have not watched your videos yet. For cryin out loud.......can you not be a little patient with that? I have not had access to a full size computer yet today. Geeze! Sorry if I can't exactly do everything you want when you want it. Chill.......I'll watch your videos when I can get around to it and you will just have to wait until I'm good and ready.
  19. I already HAVE answered your questions. You just don't like my answers. That's your problem - not mine.
  20. Blaaaahhh blaaaahhh blaaaahhhh....I refue to go round in circles with you. I've stated my position and will not waver from it. If what I've said is not good enough or clear enough for you, that's your problem - not mine. What I've said.....................is what I've said and all I'm going to say.
  21. Oh hogwash!!!!! The drill spreads today are hardly as spread out in comparison to old drum corps as you think they are. I know what you're going to say - corps are bigger now. Yeah, hornlines are bigger by 15-20 people. Hardly enough to change the environment. You are really stretching with this point. We are just not going to agree here on the issue of musicality. And that's okay. It takes all types to make a world go around. We don't have to agree on everything. We do agree on some things (we were in absolute unison on the Crown issue the other day). As for musicality, you and I both hear completely different things that define that term. For my taste - I don't like how "mechanical" the activity has become musically. You feel differently. Fair enough. Enjoy. I'm going to go listen to 88 Devils now. By the way, there are plenty of things about the current activity I DO enjoy. I'm just disappointed on one aspect of it all - that being (obviously), our "approach" to the concept of "musicality". I come from a different up bringing with that issue. I'm sorry, but it's how I feel. And yes, I blame the WGI influence on the activity for that.
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