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Everything posted by hashmarkpainter

  1. It makes a big difference when you perform at 9:30-10:00 at night. A corps that performs at 7-9pm stands around for a couple hours waiting for awards, then traveling to the next town, also, there( blue devils) housing is usually at the show site, the others have to travel a hour to get to the show. so yes, for other corps they have to get up early, they just don;t have the later hours in the day to practice, like the devils do..... [
  2. Pacific Crest on the move.......http://www.pacific-crest.org/2012/08/seth-murphy-appointed-brass-co-caption-head/
  3. When you look at a company, school, university,drum corps, any organization...............the overall image of that organization, is and always will be a direct result of the most senior manager/owner/ceo.
  4. all footage from all cameras all 3 days ARE recorded....then the editing starts.....it takes a long time to review and pick choices for all 12 corps....thats why the dvd's are not available until December......I am sure that they use images from all 3 days. They probably have a master copy that they are going to view, review, and then edit, inserting better angles and takes. The final DVD product will not look like what we saw at semi's....... the boom operator has been the same guys since 2005.....he knows his stuff very well......
  5. I know for a fact that at least 5 corps had seat cushions while on tour, maybe they sold out, or maybe you didn't stop at the correct souvi table.....
  6. while shooting video for a local university band, the band director told us ONE golden rule......I only want to see close ups IF the band is standing still. IF the band is moving I want to see it all, as wide as your cameras can get.
  7. Another thing to think about, I know corps members that have "lost" their jacket with all the patches on it. Some are impossible to replace, you may want to wait until you ageout, then maybe even buy a new jacket to put all your patches on. Jackets do get kinda beat up during the touring season. In addition, treat your jacket the same way you treat your uniform...with pride and respect. Fold it nicely...don't just throw it on the floor when you walk in your room.
  8. You cannot depend on souvi sales to survive. Yes the BIG corps have thousands of dollar in sales of souvi items. But, they also have a larger fan base than the smaller/newer corps. I bet that most of the non top 8 corps barely break even, or maybe make a small profit at the end of the season.
  9. It's YOUR jacket, do whatever you want. I do not believe that there are any rules. However, if it was me, I would not put on a patch of an event that I did not participate in.
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