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Everything posted by msumello

  1. This is the first post I created, glad to see you found it! Go Crown!
  2. The girl really DID tell it! I didn't ever watch it live, but I still gasped, I didn't even hear the crowd gasp until I watched it a 2nd time, when I did gasp I then heard the crowd so the same
  3. I can't believe I forgot to mention this when I started the topic, but this years Phantom Regiment towards the end just really drove it home for me. Mostly because we went to the Broken Arrow this last summer July 18th.....the day before that we had my Mom's funeral and she was the greatest woman in the world, as a Mama's boy and the only child she was everything, we found out she had cancer only 2 months before her passing but the last few days in the hospital she told me to go and take my mind off of things, so watching Phantom from this last year will always be a very emotional subject to say the least
  4. great piece we played this my freshman year in high school at the graduation of our seniors. Played right, it is very powerful
  5. Which DCI show moments made you tear up...emationaly? (guys don't be embarrassed) Here's a few of mine: The aftermath when the Phantom Regiment drum major was stabbed and the other climbed up on podium at the end of Spartacus. The last two minutes or so of Angels and Demons, The end of both the Madison Scouts 2011 and 2012 shows.The end of Carolina Crowns The Grass is Always Greener...... I can't believe I forgot to mention this when I started the topic, but this years Phantom Regiment towards the end just really drove it home for me. Mostly because we went to the Broken Arrow this last summer July 18th.....the day before that we had my Mom's funeral and she was the greatest woman in the world, as a Mama's boy and the only child she was everything, we found out she had cancer only 2 months before her passing but the last few days in the hospital she told me to go and take my mind off of things, so watching Phantom from this last year will always be a very emotional subject to say the least
  6. The title to the Rescuers Down Under. It's only a minute and a half long, and I don' t know who would play it. It has some killer percussion at the beginning and about half way through it has some awesome brass parts, specifically the mello parts. Main theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om1bNZnh6nM
  7. This would be perfect for Carolina Crown for 2013 since their music consists of The Dark Side of the Moon and Also Sprach
  8. I guess I'll have to edit my own subject first DCI purchase includes corps merchandise
  9. has anyone heard anything about the Boston Crusaders???
  10. What and when was your first DCI purchase?(excluding tickets)Was it a video/DVD, CD, clothing, jewelry, stickers,...etc..different corps merchandise as well. My first purchase was to video tapes that featured the Cadets throughout their summer in 2001, as well as the video tape the Cadets Championship years Since then I bought 2 Cavaliers cds , 3 Cadets cds, a Phantom Regiment wristband(i wear it everyday at work),a Cavaliers dvd, a Cavaliers hoody, and 2009-2012 top 12 finals dvds, and complete world finals cds from 2009-2012
  11. Using Kazaa....thats' how I got my first full shows......nowadays I actually have money to pay for the actual products.
  12. How many of you went to the 2012 world finals?Who did you go with? What about the finals in 2011, 2010, 2009 etc...
  13. LOL your like my new best friend! I can't believe you were there, it was almost 13 years ago.You guys really did change my life. .......it was amazing...
  14. I finally broke down and got tickets to the world finals this august, for myself and two others...about .$400, but I'm sure it'll be worth it, so I'll be seeing Carolina Crown as well.
  15. I was just wondering what everyone's first experience with DCI was, or the first time they heard of it. I don't remember the exact date, but it was the summer of 2000, and I would be entering high school that fall as a freshmen. Band was the only thing I was good at I might add. But one morning my band director called my house and asked if I wanted to go to a "professional" marching band show? It would be $20, and would be in Tulsa,a threeish hour trip, we lived in southwest Missouri between Cassville and Aurora. Mom said it was fine so i said sure. The only reason I was asked was my house was on the way to the school. About 10 students went. We got there and there was the Cadets having their practice on the field and afterward the audience was allowed to ask questions. I was still so new to marching I can only remember three things. A guy asked why trombones were not allowed, I remember that because that's what I played. Why the Cadets had two moves when bringing their horns up or down: I remember this because we copied the movement for our last song in our marching band show that fall. And the question from the instructor if we were Blue Devils' fans, to which a few people clapped and the corps on the field booed.....That night....it was like a life changing experience......I was hooked. Little did I know that the Cadets would win/tie for first place at the world finals the next month.
  16. I figured the timed moves were something like the 1 e and a 2 e and a , especially if you couldn't see the person that does it before you.
  17. How are corps members trained in regards to adding different movements on the field. Like when the horns pop up in a ripple effect, or turning different ways like a ripple effect. For example: About three minutes into the Phantom Regiments show Sparticus, members took a step forward starting with the members closest to the side line and gradually working its' way to the person furthest from the sideline, like a ripple. Does every member movement timed on a certain beat, or do they wait till the person in front of them moves , and then does the same?
  18. Hello everyone, I'm new(obviously!) I figure for my opening line I'd give my first drum corps experience. I don't remember the exact date, but it was the summer of 2000, and I would be entering high school that fall as a freshmen. Band was the only thing I was good at I might add. But one morning my band director called my house and asked if I wanted to go to a "professional" marching band show? It would be $20, and would be in Tulsa. Mom said it was fine so i said sure. The only reason I was asked was my house was on the way to the school. About 10 students went. We got there and there was the Cadets having their practice on the field and afterward the audience was allowed to ask questions. I was still so new to marching I can only remember three things. A guy asked why trombones were not allowed, I remember that because that's what I played. Why the Cadets had two moves when bringing their horns up or down: I remember this because we copied the movement for our last song in our marching band show that fall. And the question from the instructor if we were Blue Devils' fans, to which a few people clapped and the corps on the field booed.....That night....it was like a life changing experience......I was hooked. Little did I know that the Cadets would win/tie for first place at the world finals the next month. Glad to be here, Nate the Mello Fellow
  19. I'm new here and I just, to my regret, learned of the bluecoats last year, and they have a really great full sound, but I have noticed they do this kind of leg movement, not exactly a step, but more of like a swinging motion. The first time I noticed it was the 2009 show, and its' been in every show since. When did they first start doing this?
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