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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. yah.. they are moving. The new cape rock and swing was nice more drama but subtle
  2. I love them too.. I really was so excited watching, but they really need to clean, tonight run was not one of their best at all. the moment they started i see visual dirt and the changes do need cleaning up as well. But that diagonal ending then rotating was amazing! it's so gooooooodt!
  3. Congrats BC on your 2024 streak wins, well deserved. Congrats BAC for besting BD tonight, that was a really clean and amazing run. BD it ain't over until the fat lady sings, i'm liking the additions i know you will clean and bounce back.
  4. Speak for yourself, don't say some of us, say YOU and @Terri Schehr 🀣🀣I'm Just kidding, LMAO. I'm also a frequent to the restroom, i drink plenty water.
  5. I want ya'll to leave CC 2024 alone.. I like it the show a-lot and that's all that matters lol.
  6. They were doing fine until the closer Lol.. Like f**k me..... really screw me cameraman lol
  7. even though few acceptable moments were in the show that i liked, but i have to agree with you. CELINE WAS AMAZING THOUGH!
  8. Two ways BD have completed their closer in recent years. 1. They do a partial addition of the final closer, then completed it by Allen town or finals weekend. 2. Or they add a temporary closer by this time and change it finals week to real better one. But it always depend on the show and the competition for that season.
  9. I'll be here bright and early in the morning Lol.. Pickleball in my bed and then wake up to DCP madness early tomorrow morning...
  10. That's ok.. I do understand. I feel bad for your son not able to experience drum corps magic tonight... I believe he will though.. You and your son will have a blast together soon.
  11. I'm going to take a little hyke LOL.. Good night BD Nation, hope i leave a little dent in your memories.
  12. I understand the disappointment.. My apology again and to your son, i hope he gets to see them soon..
  13. 😞Oh, i'm sorry, i didn't know i was dismissive towards you like that. You shouldn't be ######, however i do get your frustration of not able to see the show after traveling so long.. So my apology to you. Hope you get to seee the corps at another show under better circumstances. πŸ’™
  14. He clearly said Dark side, not colorful highlighters Lmao πŸ˜‚ And it wasn't about your son, you're the target.
  15. I think they need to just make it officially cancelled and let the corps go their merry ways.
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