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GREENBLUE last won the day on September 7 2022

GREENBLUE had the most liked content!

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  • Your Favorite Corps
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    1989 SCV/2006 Cavaliers/2010 Cavaliers
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    Scottsdale, AZ

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  1. The out of sync can can dancers with uneven kicks absolutely killed me
  2. Anyone else watching? this may be the worse opening ceremony in history. Highly disappointing.
  3. I guess we shall see, very unfortunate, but very necessary.
  4. I’m not sure the Scouts can handle his ego or his ego would want the Scouts.
  5. Let’s go Cavies!! thought it was a great run. the cleaner it gets the more it’s making sense. Needs a few changes still but the product is getting better.
  6. I actually prefer Madison and Crossmen over Troopers.
  7. Regarding the end guard work it appears that they’re all posing to show the faces on the silks. Each member doing a different pose. Problem with that is that they’re not all hitting it at the same time making it appear to be errors. Bad design choice hopefully it gets fixed or executed better.
  8. If there’s a show that could benefit from voiceovers, narrative and sound effects this would be it. Explain explain explain. Would help with transitions. Wrong side of the tracks made much more sense when they added voice. Also the ending of this show from the Evannesense on needs re worked. Ah whatever. What do we know.
  9. Now that the cats out of the bag I can say that I’d also heard Mac was the primary reason some of the design team left after 2022. Some…not all, just to clarify. Gonna take a wild guess (lol) that the Sanford last season only added to his ego. Personally feel a lot of the design choices in ‘23/‘24 were made to appease him at the detriment of the organization and show design.
  10. And 4 days to rehearse rehearse rehearse!
  11. Love the pop of color it brings. Just not sure why it happens. Definitely needs a more pronounced reason to be effective
  12. Cavaliers “skirts” would be just as effective if they cut them in half into oversized shirts
  13. Don’t worry Blue Stars according to these boards and social media every corps will be passing the Cavaliers so there’s your guarantee. lol.
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