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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. Love Right of Spring... this is so resfreshing in spite ita many use..
  2. Cheers to ya blue knights.... your time will come to rise and shine in the top 4 some day. Then bam gold medal
  3. First i have to state I am Blue Devils all the way. but I want to give an early CONGRATULATION!! To SCV for winning gold tonight truly deserving. I love the show in-spite my gripes about it, but yes it does deserve to win above all tonight. i'm looking forward to even more great shows to come in the future. SO AN HAUGHTY CONGRATULATION AGAIN SCV!!!!!!!! So happy for you.
  4. I know the feeling and it is possible they might not stay in 2nd, even if it do happen i really wouldn't feel in no type of way about it, i'm still proud of the show and the quality they bring every year, i'll be happy the same. Because you know why, as much hate and bad criticizing they've gotten year in and out in spite how great and awesome their shows are, Blue Devils is still the holder of unmatched records of excellence. There is a quote that said, "you win some you lose some", but i will rephrase that in my own words for BD, 'You win most, you lose a few lol'. There's no rising without a fall (even though it's not really a fall), there's no Up without being Down and it is a delight that BD not winning gold this year, is to a really great corps (Santa Clara Vanguard) with great and remarkable history in drum corps they deserve it, and it's overdue. However i do think they'll hold on to 2nd.
  5. Definitely didn't deserve 4th last night... below bloo and scv hell no. you ever heard the saying that says you can't keep a good man down ? well no matter how they try BD you never stays down.
  6. Vanguatd Cadets said, Last year we used white staged back panel for props lets use black this year Lol..
  7. Can you imagine how scary that is that as good as the run through was lastnight there's still room to improve.. like wow...
  8. Two times I literally get chills this season, the first one was from The Cadets performance at Allentown it was strong, electrifying, and emotional, the second chills I get guys was watching a run through of BD rehearsal lastnight. man they are looking dangerous and Magnificent Solid right through, They move like one single unit. The hornline sound so Amazing the clarity is much better and in the parts, the battery is just on another level, percussion was so intense and on point, Colorguards are really spectacular, the balad was just amazing, alot been cleaned up in the show. It's flowing way better than it did all season.
  9. Yes thats is so true.... BD very dangerous in finals week. Scv should know this longtime and knows how to fight. Best of luck to both BD and SCV. Go SCV, Do it up BD!!
  10. I kinda wonder the same if there's gonna be more.. maybe ? If yes great if no I'm good either way still great.
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