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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. That's too bad... but safety comes first. Oh maaaaayn! Rain you couldn't just ease off for some hours after thee show is complete. I have no faith in tomorrow night either lol.
  2. IMO Out of the top 3, BD show is way more difficult
  3. Yeap, young fresh faces. I am not sure on how many age outs they had but, it seems like alot. Guess that question should be directed to BDCorno or Flammaster They might able to answer, since they may know more about that .
  4. like Woooooooow! only three vets.. remarkable. few hours from now lets see what the show looks like.
  5. true true.. lol i hope so too.... for a young corp they are really impressive, even though i can say BD having a young corps over the past years always do greatly same, it's impressive
  6. Yeah definitely. The last two match up with top three seem to have boost a bit in general effect if I am wrong correct me. But I am really praying the final changes or additions will give the show that significant general effect boost along other improvements esp in music. and clean clean clean... and I believe the gold will be theirs.
  7. Here's something i think it's nice to share here.....
  8. Crown drill is nice but the silks are so dull from a distance.
  9. Awww happy your here tonight... yes indeed, that gap getting smaller lol. now lets enjoy the show
  10. Forever! wish all the kids on the field have a great show!
  11. Chief Guns You saw it on the stream last night right ?
  12. Yes the new drill in the closer is absolutely Amazing and brilliant, it's like a shape shift and dissolved into the rotating circles with the four characters in the middles. The effect and visual is really great. you can tell there is more to be done on the closer that is already so good.
  13. Congrats Scv.... with that out the way, I have to say Yaaaaaassssssssssss BLue Devils!!!!!!!!
  14. Fantastic show BD... welldone. I still hear hornline issue just a tat.. but great performance. That 1930 insert was Magical in the closer still seem like more is left add or layered in. To me it was a little rough but still that good.
  15. The Show is really good but it feels like it need a lift... many great moments
  16. Crown performing the Heavens and Hell of this show I dont understand. Still enjoying it
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