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Everything posted by jonwoody

  1. You still can't find anything else to do but come here and post hateful trash because somebody in the Cadets at one time broke your balloon. I know a great therapist if you want the phone number.
  2. So your feeling is punish as many people as possible for the actions of one person am I correct?? Make an entire organization suffer because you don't like what happened correct?? May I ask which Troll group you belong to? Do you feel better now that you posted this? Maybe you can go visit others and express your dislike for something they do or do you just have a hard_ _ for the cadets?
  3. You think DCI thought this through?? Really?? This is DCI were're talking about. If they really wanted to do this right they would have a open forum and get as much info from everyone as possible. The way this is happening it is being shoved down our throats and they hope they don't ruin drum corps. Im not traveling to finals to see a band and anyone I have spoken to feels the same. If DCI needs more income there are many ways to do it beside turning it into marching band. Did they try to get back any of the fans that left because of the dancing, singing, no drill, electronics??? Answer is no because they don,t care. It's all about the cash.
  4. Why do you ever bother to post here?? You still bitter that George didn't pick you to be his new girl??
  5. I totally agree. The Cadets situation is because of Hopkins and his buddies. Their underhanded management and lying about finances should not garner any support from anyone. Cadets have to take the bull by the horns and guide the corps to the future. And I sure hope Hopkins and friends gets their punishment in the end. The Cadets deserve our support this year and in the future. Don't let these scum balls gum up the works and make anyone think they are the victims. We ALL know who the real victims have been and it sure isn't George. Hope he get its soon and disappears down the drain where all scum belong. He's a roach, break out the Raid motel.
  6. along with the 12 inch slices of bread !!
  7. You really give 2 shlitz what strangers have to say?? Really?? If you do then don't make statements that you don;t want a response to.
  8. what surprises?? you brought it up now spill your guts lol.
  9. Can always rely on you to offer trash and garbage to spew when actually you know nothing. Now go stand in the corner Hop.
  10. There are corps in some states that can raise money pretty much however they want which puts them at an advantage over the rest . The others have to work around laws that restrict the ways they raise money. Is it fair?? NO. Is there a solution yes. Don't be so arrogant to think you have the answers and what you say is the only way because you don't. Being a lawyer you should be well aware that several corps have had a huge advantage in fund raising for decades . Some type of restriction has to happen to level the playing field for all. These corps have no problem flaunting their wealth and other people are tired of always running uphill while others have smooth sailing due to tax and fundraising laws.. If you say then they should move to a state which allows liberal fundraising then someone should take your license away . It;'s not just how you manage the money. It's the way you are allowed to attempt to raise the money and it is not fair for most.
  11. Maybe DCI needs to put a spending cap on how much corps may spend to put a show on the field. Pro sports do it. Fund raising differs from state to state and we are all aware of some corps who have more money than they can spend due to those laws. Most corps do not have unlimited income. Those "Rich" corps always have the advantage in staff and touring. While DCI is at it... making corps compete in the same number of shows would help even out the disadvantage. Some corps do not have to compete as much and can rehearse as much as they want since they always have the cash. That is unfair to the majority of corps yet it continues year after year.
  12. Ok now.. Has everyone gotten the "Let's find something else to trash the Cadets with this week "out of their system??? Are we going to have to live through next week ragging and whining about how the brass people had to bring their own toilet paper to ST so they can clean up the crap posted here??? First, it's not any of our X?X?ing business. We have no idea what they are going through nor do we need to know. They need to be working on a show that will bring the house down in 2020. If people need to read about others problems and heartache I wish they would disappear from here until June.
  13. I see you are still "Bitter Betty" as far as the Cadets go.
  14. His constant stirring and lack of knowledge of the facts makes it seem more of a dislike. He comes across as more hateful than trying to get the facts out which he lacks knowledge of so why say anything but the truth.
  15. I agree with you but the constant bad mouthing and lack of knowledge of the facts makes it seem more like a dislike than anything else.
  16. Your dislike of the Cadets is as obvious as a shiny new penny. I just wonder why you even bother to come here other than dump your tainted opinions on us all and keep stirring the pot not knowing what is inside of it. Take a rest and try another forum. I'm sure there is dirt in other forums that will satisfy your needs.
  17. Isn't this supposed to be staff- merry- go- round ??
  18. Show proof or shut up and stop creating fake news.
  19. My post had nothing to do with GH. My buddies with PTSD weren't abused...you are a bit confused. My comments were in regard to the 2 minors this year.
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