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Everything posted by Zerix

  1. When they're here in Dayton, I'll scope the hell out of em. They do a LOT of cleaning then.
  2. Couldn't have said it better myself. I see a gold medal if they clean. Silver if they don't.
  3. 1. Carolina Crown 2. Blue Devils 3. The Cadets 4. Blucoats 5. Santa Clara Vanguard 6. Blue Knights 7. The Cavaliers 8. Phantom Regiment 9. Madison Scouts 10. Boston Crusaders 11. Crossmen 12. Blue Stars
  4. That's what makes this such a diverse community. Thing is, I can appreciate every show because of the hard work, doesn't mean I have to enjoy the production. Nonetheless, point is, BD is still cleaner than Crown right now. That is a big deal. Crown's feet are still... dirty.
  5. I'll say it.. Blue Devils 2015 program "Ink" is boring. It's so boring, but they perform it so well, so it doesn't really matter.
  6. They did it at the TN show the night prior.
  7. Of course they haven't. But, they need some rest. Hop knows this.
  8. They've had that feel for about 3 performances now. Very upsetting!
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO4bWSHIrgY So there is the video from Atlanta... That ballad is the most hauntingly beautiful thing I've ever heard.. the effect of the mello being pulled back into hell is just... ominous. Fantastic!
  10. https://watchonperiscope.com/users/tommymcguire/1302677 Scoped Cadets. Not sure if he'll do the rest!
  11. I'm still not sure who it'll be in first. Blue Devils ended their reign last night... they may want some payback. But, I doubt Crown isn't prepared. It's nightbeat after all.!!
  12. Good to see I'm not the only one who heard it. Visually speaking, guard did not have their best run. They had some visual issues throughout, but don't let that take away from how well they achieved everything else. Don't foresee gold tonight, but that's almost impossible to say until after while. Fantastic work, nonetheless, Cadets.
  13. You're both good guys, why can't you agree to disagree and move on?
  14. Funny, I thought the drums sounded better tonight, and brass was the opposite.
  15. I think he was being facetious. They sounded great! But, I think they sounded better last night.
  16. Willing to bet there won't be booing. This is anyone's game. Would Crown losing at Nightbeat be lame? Sure, but that doesn't knock the Blue Devils performance at all. Or Cadets for that matter.
  17. He has no complaint. May have misread his statement.
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