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Everything posted by Dpsouthern81

  1. It’s supposed to be a “void” where props go after they are no longer used. Lots of Easter eggs.
  2. Hope the show sponsor got a discount on the rental fee. That field is awful.
  3. The lick was a hit in 2021 for the one performance.
  4. Got to have the mute button ready for commercials and int always.
  5. https://www.dci.org/scores/final-scores/2022-innovations-in-brass-northeast-ohio
  6. https://www.dci.org/scores/final-scores/2022-dci-central-indiana
  7. Flo puts up that rebroadcast graphic stating it starts at 11 tomorrow but don’t mention that’s central time.
  8. Apparently Flo thinks Blue Stars are from Illinois
  9. First time this season watching rebroadcast and it’s unwatchable. Freezes about 4 times every show. Have to reload the stream and you miss most of the show.
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