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Everything posted by Alzam81

  1. It was only a matter of time until the top two corps distanced themselves from the pack. The gold medal is definitely still up in the air. SCV wins GE by a hair and destroys in percussion, winning music caption. It's an interesting show going into regional tomorrow!!!!
  2. It's going to be an amazing end to a historic season.
  3. Crown's hornline is no joke, but SCV makes up for it in percussion score with a 0.5 spread over Crown's percussion score. Overall, SCV won music which is what matters. Doesn't take anything away from the fact that Crown will probably win brass caption at finals.
  4. SCV's drill is so well thought out. So glad that they emphasize and consider drill and drill difficulty as a part of the overall show. This show does not feel like set to set design like some other shows..
  5. Bloo's GE score has fizzled big time. Quit hollerin "six words" and get to work on that GE score.
  6. Cool part about drum corps, we all have our own tastes..
  7. overall great show for BD so far.. Drumline is not having a very good run..
  8. Bluecoats had a good run.. The only thing I noticed is a little ensemble phasing at the beginning.. But it could just be that we are not listening live.. Who knows..
  9. Bloo will solidify 4th place. Nothing wrong with that. They are amazing. The gaps will widen between 1,2-- and then everyone else will fall into place..As far as haymakers? Not sure what a haymaker would be in this scenario. A haymaker is SCV busting out the bottle dance randomly at the end of their show.. not sure what the bloo equivalent is in this case. if I'm wrong please call me out on it, but it's simply my opinion.
  10. SCV within striking distance.. I still don't think we've seen the best of SCV either. That hornline back and forth lick during the closer hasn't been performed near perfect yet.. SCV never ends a show in a block formation... They are scoring with this ending, and you know they will change it up for that proverbial cherry on top
  11. I'll be on vacation tomorrow.. Lake Tahoe. But rather than enjoy the sights, I will be glued to my phone for the second half of the show..
  12. They will probably add that and other nuggets for Allentown and finals...
  13. Follow Humid and Sticky Houston thread for show info!!!! Noob mistake!
  14. To me Bloo is too much like "Blast" on the field in my opinion.. I love variety in drum corps.. They have unique style. I get it. I just love the intricacy and complexity of SCV's show. There is something appealing about the SCV's show design.
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