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Everything posted by Poppycock

  1. I'll let the Cavaliers do that for me. Crickets crickets
  2. Especially Cavies. Putting good distance between themselves and Cadets. From .2 to 1.4
  3. BD will top both Bloo and SCV. Think about that for awhile.
  4. We can't figure out how Phantom is beating Xmen and Blue Stars. Phantom is boring and messy.
  5. Bloo has got ballet issues and it's still not resolved. Congratulations to SCV.
  6. Now Stephan and Ramon are showing off their Fosse moves in front of Lucas. So funny
  7. Oh my that show is in a league of its own. Yes there is work to do but #### sweetie that is the cats meow.
  8. That solo needs to change. Use a sound track instead.
  9. Bloo what can you say about these guys and gals. Pure entertainment and environmental demand
  10. Well Lucas sure loved Vanguard but he was reminded that they have yet to beat those naughty little Devils. Now for the best performance corps in the business these days Bloo
  11. A little over mic'd at times. Music is wonderful but lots of running transitions. Some clutter with their compressed design. Not at the visual level of Bloo
  12. Lucas is acting crazy. He's in love with Vanguard. He's an alumn too. Look for him in Indy. The most flamboyant in the guard.
  13. Stephan and Ramon are screaming for color on those tables. Yellow or electric blue seems to be the consensus.
  14. The tables need dressing. Love that introduction.
  15. Consensus on Phantom is posted from the DrumScorps app
  16. Lucas thinks red costumes with black capes.
  17. Jeffeory we all love to cook and make things when we get together. Today it's nosh day. Small plates and fruit thingys. Other than Lucas in that #### Vanguard T-Shirt it's a wonderful time
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