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Poppycock last won the day on May 1 2022

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  1. How about a 2022 DCI Championship Trophy 🏆 is that new enough for you? 🤩
  2. I can assure you that BD is in to win it. Which may be what separates them from the it’s all about the experience mindset from others. It’s important that the cast have a safe enjoyable summer band camp. However there’s no better experience than winning 🥇
  3. So glad we’re going to miss all that nonsense. We’re not even going to leave for the stadium until 6:15 pm.
  4. I’m very happy for Bluecoats. They actually took the biggest risk this season and it’s paying off. Imagine how phony drum corps look if every corps did a cheesy show like the Crownies? The judges got it right.
  5. Those Naughty Little Devils 😈 do it again! Right there right now! Congratulations Bluecoats. All is right in the World of DCI.
  6. We liked the Crownies even less watching it live, but we did have people laughing with the Whack a Crownie section. Hilarious! thanks for the laughs Crownies.
  7. Vanguard had a nice run not great. Even Stephan said that visual doesn’t line up with the wonderful musical moments.
  8. Cadets marched their little bottoms off tonight. Such a fun show. Guard had a good run too. Everything you would expect from the Cadets!
  9. Blue Stars are so much better live. We have a better appreciation for the entire production including the props. Remarkable environmental demand and achievement. Kudos to the guard! You were wonderful.
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