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Jim Schehr

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Everything posted by Jim Schehr

  1. A compliance department or independent organization is exactly what I believe is needed. These organizations can not be trusted to police themselves including the DCI offices.
  2. We can agree to disagree. Morrison obviously used poor judgement, yet he’s suppose to get a second chance. This is exactly why the 14 page DCI policy isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. There are only discretionary enforcement instead of punitive punishment. An apology from Morrison is IMO as worthless as one from Moody.
  3. IMO she is a very good choice and gives DCI better optics by having a woman in the good old boys club.
  4. Bloo is pretty tight lipped about what they’re doing. I have a feeling their show will be mind blowing.
  5. Toss up between U.S.Open and World Open for me. Both had a hometown feel and variations in line ups year to year. Regardless the fans got their money’s worth of great drum corps.
  6. I would think that there will be a new clause or two in the performance contract that all performing organizations will have to agree and sign or risk not having a venue to complete. We have already reached the million dollar mark to run these organizations what’s a few thousand dollars more?
  7. I don’t know. Wouldn’t surprise me if they did. But I’m not in the loop or do I have any title and authority to provide guidance. Judging from the self appointed cast of character egos involved, I’m not betting that much will change. After all they have their livelihood to protect.
  8. It’s not about filling a vacancy. This is about riding this activity of people who believe and act upon their own intuition. If the activity has reached a point whereas there are no other choices for educators, then this is another area that needs attention.
  9. Thanks for validating my argument for me. The kiltie Senior has been around since 1994. After 24 seasons one would think they would have figured it all out by now.
  10. People are in CYA mode all trying to protect the only livelihood some have ever known. Call them drum corps bums or whatever, they’re not going to go away easily even after stepping in a pile of crap.
  11. Dan is trying to keep the only livelihood he has ever known. This is really nothing more than a CYA reactive approach to an issue that has been going on for years.
  12. Inactive for the past two years from competition. Location, location, location - chances of returning to competition without total reorganization - doubtful.
  13. Seems simple enough. Be transparent, truthful and present the facts, but knowing the personallity I find the response shockingly predictable. Like most in this activity, Dan found his way to make a living from it. I'm sure he will protect the only livelihood he knows. I've always found it amazing amidst all the rumors, allegations and facts related to inappropriate behavior since its founding in 1972, that there were no procedures employed to express harassment policies in action in the day-to-day operations of DCI. Perhaps they were too busy scheduling and promoting shows and believed the individual corps plan, direct, manage, and oversee their own operations in regards to these issues.
  14. Absolutely - a zero tolerance policy is required. Coordination and communication between corps and DCI is a good start. However there needs to be compliance to agreed policies, procedures for reporting and procedures for enforcement of violations. This would require signed acceptance by all participants to include administration, staff, members, and volunteers of every organization, as well as DCI and the adjudicators. Each organization is responsible for annual fees to establish and maintain a staffed compliance department within DCI for oversight of policies, reporting and enforcement procedures and the management of violations. I’m not convinced that the individual corps can or will police themselves. So it’s going to have to be done for them.
  15. If I was a betting person I would put money down on YES. Ever seen Little Miss Sunshine?
  16. I’m no fan of singers. Simply because the acoustics can never be controlled in different stadiums. It takes hours for bands to setup for venues and that’s something corps don’t have time to do. In addition, the quality of voice, electronics and ensemble are never ever consistent. Frankly I have yet to see the value of narrative or voice in any production on a football field.
  17. Congratulations to Tim Snyder. Tim is President of BOX5 Media, Brass Caption Head at Mandarins and the Program Co-Coordinator & Brass Design for Cincinnati Tradition (CT).
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