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Jim Schehr

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Everything posted by Jim Schehr

  1. The levels of incompetence at Flo is mind boggling. It's really not suppose to be this difficult to setup microphones to capture sound on a football field.
  2. And I wonder who she's supporting Bloooooo posted from the DrumScorps app
  3. I've said this before but IMO fans need to realize how judges livelihood is directly related to the scores they give to those who pay the most, through camps, consulting fees, design fees, direct hires and the larger marching band and WGI community. All influence decisions in adjudication.
  4. Let me add that fans need to realize how judges livelihood is directly related to the scores they give to those who pay the most, through camps, consulting fees, design fees, direct hires and the larger marching band and WGI community. All influence decisions in adjudication.
  5. Bloo has a history of taking out the corps in third going into Indy. Like a dog on the mailmans butt.
  6. Having seen BK, Cadets and PR that 7, 8 and 9 grouping is getting tighter and tighter.
  7. Better performance but balance issues not going away. Brass still a work in progress. Not so dull tonight.
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