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Everything posted by Continental

  1. I thought you were a fan of South Park. You would have recognized that comment.
  2. Referring to Spanish Flu - wasn't it the second wave that was the most deadly? I think it even had a third wave.
  3. I think some of the predictions were based on a prior event at the beginning of the 20th century, which mutated and came back even stronger.
  4. Are you new to Social Media? The humor was related to a side subject known by many other participants on this board.
  5. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/gallows-humour
  6. I bet no Sea Monkeys ever died in the mail. They always took a long time to deliver, but once you added water it meant hours and hours of tremendous fun disappointment for the whole family.
  7. I was in Vegas in August and I felt like a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken every time I went outside.
  8. I wish there was a 12-step program to cure those kind of flashbacks.
  9. Considering that this organization has been put in the spotlight with another accusation across multiple SM platforms, can you really question why they would make the additional comment in this announcement?
  10. "Thing" from the Adams Family is in the bed behind Courtney. When will Cousin It make an appearance?
  11. HUMC gave me Morphine 15 minutes after I arrived at the emergency. I had been suffering intense pain since the morning (after thinking I had food poisoning for a day) and suddenly it was all gone thanks to Morphine. After a very quick cat-scan, the doctor came in and said that I had appendicitis and that I would be operated on that day as soon as possible. It was only when I was operated on that they saw that the appendix had ruptured. I asked him, "Can I fly back to Canada to have it taken care of by the doctors there?" His answer "No - you will die. "
  12. I know you are into fiction, so when you come out with an auto-biography can you please promise to name it "Guardling - Triggered?"
  13. During my first night in the hospital my TV showed "Alien vs. Predator." The stuff you remember.... It reminded me of BD vs. SCV except it was different. Still, there was quite a rivalry although the uniforms weren't as brightly colored.
  14. I love Phantom 2003. It was their first year on B-flat horns and the first year of the Shaw/Rennick collaboration. However, one time I had a good friend of mine listen to their 2003 performance as I was so excited to get an outsiders perspective - particularly from a non-musician. First comment out of her mouth was "Why are they blasting?"
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