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Everything posted by madcontra99

  1. Give me a ####### break...if your not a Madison hater then why in God's name would just bash them in the way you did, and besides if the rain hadn't affected anyone else, or no one else had problems, then why weren't the Colts or Blue Stars ahead of Madison
  2. Madison 74.367403859459393939393939393939393939 Bluecoats 70.000000006060606060605040403030302020202 Colts 64.1234567890987654357 Blue Stars ME-Well, I will win the show
  3. Keep in mind also that the Scouts are not going up against very many corps tonight that are in the "finalist" bracket. Not saying the other corps are in a different league, but scores often reflect the line up
  4. Could someone shed some light on why Cap Sound was in exhibition?
  5. No, I think I am just going to keep it as a predicition, considering that a prediction is nothing more than a wish list for anyone who ever writes one, but thanks for the suggestions!!!
  6. 1. Madison Scouts-go ahead and flame 2. Phantom Regiment 3. Cavaliers-I want my midwest at the top 4. Blue Devils 5. Santa Clara Vanguard-they're back 6. Bluecoats/Cadets-yes a tie, and in 6th, you hate me now, don't you! 8. Carolina Crown 9. Spirit 10. Colts 11. Glassmen 12. Southwind-oh my GOD! I must be out of my ####### mind 13. Boston Crusaders-how can I drop them this much! 14. Blue Knights, sorry, I loved last year, don't buy this year 15. Capital Regiment 16. Seattle Cascades 17. The Magic of Orlando-I like that name better 18. Pacific Crest 19. Blue Stars 20. Mandarins-I like oranges 21. Impulse-it'd be fun 22. Pioneer 23. Jersey Surf <edited for filter circumvention. -KM>
  7. Or let's just here why the were in exhibition
  8. Thank you Sir, may I have another sorry, just being a brat
  9. I am a Madison alumni, and when Southwind came into the organization in 98/99 it is true the the MDBCA "buffed" edges as was put, but I would say that they are stronger now, much stronger now, in performance and appearance than they were in 2001-2002. And as far as the whole deadline and surprise thing, people need to work on their short and long term memory skills, because that was VERY public knowledge.
  10. Unexpected split from MDBCA? I was unaware that it was an unexpected split. It was openly discussed and noted for quite some time before they split. The Capital Sound split was very unexpected, but the Southwind thing, that was not.
  11. Hmmm...it's baseball season, the season is starting competitively tomorrow, and they put up a reference to baseball...I think people are reading too far into it!
  12. Matt Gregg, 1993 Madison during "Finale" he nailed it every show until finals from what I am told.
  13. Many years ago there was a great drum corps drinking game online, which looks as though it has vanished, does anyone know where I can get a copy of it, or does anyone know if there is one posted any where on the net anymore? Thanks!
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