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Everything posted by OrlandoContraAlum

  1. Sorry, but I have to disagree with you again. I had FN in 2008. I got to see semifinals live. I did NOT, however, get to see Phantom pull the show of the decade out at finals. In fact, I didn't get to see that show, in it's entirety, ever. DCI Finals shows can be a snapshot of a moment in time. Think about it... if the Fan Network was around in 1982, subscribers would not have seen SCV pull out the Bottle Dance. In 97 they would not have seen Madison's drum major turn around, pull out a pirate flag, and take a picture of the crowd. There are many, many more examples of why Finals is not simply "the same show as the night before". You have already said that you won't be purchasing, which is totally acceptable (it's your money, after all), so I have to ask: why are you still posting about it? Vote with your wallet. We get it.
  2. Ok, that's just semantics. Let's not call it lost revenue then. How about this: I know that I was not going to Indy this year. No way, no how. Now that there is an option to stream, I WILL be purchasing (as an FN subscriber, the $50 upcharge is well worth it, to me, and in my situation). So, let's call it FOUND revenue. DCI would not have gotten a penny from me on August 10th, now they are getting $50. I am sure that there will be many others who they FIND like this.
  3. You know they would. And there's no way any couple could eat at a decent (ie: not fast food) restaurant for < $50. Decent implies a bit of quality. Now, you MAY get a special or something at Olive Garden or some other chain, but I too would argue that that's not a decent restaurant.
  4. Only if you purchased the FN/DVD or BluRay package. If you only purchased the FN sub ($69) then you have to wait until well into next year's tour to view Finals on FN.
  5. While I am stoked that Crown pulled this one out tonight, what about the fact that, in two captions, their achievement scores beat their comp/content scores? In Vis Analysis, they got a 94 in comp and a 96 in ach, while in Music analysis they got a 94 content and 95 ach. MA was doubled to the drum score, so there's that as well. On the flipside, BD scored higher on both comp/cont scores, but lower on achievement. Food for thought.
  6. Bumping this up because it's a GOOD NEWS story, a heart-warming story... of love. (Sorry, couldn't help it). Ah DCP. Thread after thread of negativity (RIOT if BD wins! GIVE US FINALS STREAMING! (ok) WAIT, WE HAVE TO PAY FOR IT?!?!!?!) fill up the front page while this one drops. I will not stand for this!! So, just wanted more eyeballs to see a couple of truly great stories. Carry on...
  7. Me too, using the BETA on my Kindle Fire. The only thing that I noticed was minimal stuttering when they switched to the close up cams. High cam was solid.
  8. I guess it is (just ran across this!) (Yes, I replied to myself. Deal with it! :tongue:/> )
  9. Is it possible to love this corps any more? Doubtful. The kids are having a blast, they are much improved from where they started this year, and now this. Surf's Summer Block They may not be the cleanest corps, but it is so nice to see when corps give back to their communities. Rock on Surf!
  10. Agreed, running it wirelessly on my Kindle Fire HD, great picture and sound. Loving this!
  11. There is simply no way they could do that, especially if they are planning to make this available in future years. There HAS to be a cost/benefit analysis, both for DCI and for the fans. If you are already a subscriber, the additional $50 is really up to you if you can afford it. If you are not, the $69 price point is still very competitive for what, 3+ hours of entertainment? Additionally, it provides an incentive to subscribe in future years. A $20 stream would almost certainly affect live ticket purchases.
  12. Just want to +1 all the folks who are happy about this. I have been an FN subscriber for 3 years, and LOVE this. The ONLY people I think may have a beef are those that purchased the FN+DVD/BD, since they lose their "exclusive" access to the Finals stream on Sunday. That said, they didn't specifically pay extra for that stream, so there's that. Also, I too can't believe how entitled some people are. As I mentioned before, the last time they hyped a "Major Announcement" it was for a fundraiser. This is DCI giving their fans something that they have been asking for for YEARS and people still #####. Unbelievable.
  13. If memory serves, they hyped a "Major Announcement" last year too, and it was just a Crown vs. Cadets fundraising challenge or some such. I imagine this would be along the same lines.
  14. Well, I think "unacceptable" is a pretty harsh word to use here. The kids are still having a blast, and the show that I saw from San Antonio was light years better than the shows I saw in New Haven and Lynn. They will be fine. EDIT: By the way, I have heard a lot about "vet retention", but I don't know how accurate that is. I know that the Tubas have 2 vets and 8 rooks. Granted, I know nothing else, but that's pretty low for a section.
  15. So when are the exhibition or alumni corps supposed to get a chance to perform? We do it for the same reasons that you used to... the thrill of putting on a show. By the way, I am not sure when the Defenders went on, but we (Bridgemen) and Cabs Alumni closed the show, and did so to standing ovations. So, we (the exhibition corps) win, and the crowd wins. Sorry about the long travel home (we ALL know how much that sucks) but give us geezers a break! :)
  16. Thanks for the responses everyone... unfortunately, I was out camping this weekend with no electronics, and I have totally forgotten why I posted this poll. I hate getting old. That said, I am quite happy to see that so many folks are taking part. Need to reward the good things that DCI is doing for the fans, to ensure that they keep doing them! (Maybe I will someday remember my reasoning for this...)
  17. I believe it was Cadets. (I was there too). I still maintain that the sound quality on the Lynn videos is sub-par. It's not just wind or other ambient noise. The balance seems off, the electronics seem really loud, and, at least on the three different computers I have watched videos on, there is significant sound distortion at high volume. I guess to each their own, and so many of the other videos this year have great quality.
  18. Not a surprise since the very same Robert W. Smith who wrote/arranged the 84 Suncoast show also arranged this year's Madison show...
  19. Yeah, I already apologized for being a jerk last night. That was a pretty lame thing to say to the guy.
  20. I hear you, but if all you know is what has been on DCP, you probably shouldn't say "When the Eastern corps did it, they had full knowledge of what they were doing so got punished for it." That was the bit that upset me a little. No worries. I was probably a bit dickish about it last night, and for that I apologize. Yeah, I guess that's kinda more where I was coming from. Almost anything that anyone would want to know about ALL of the DQs, including so many different sides to the stories, is available through some searching of these forums.
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