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Everything posted by DKracing

  1. Cause there wasn't an internet forum for the one or two people who disliked something to make a big stink about it :P
  2. I've only ever auditioned at two places, and that last time was almost 4 years ago... But I understand at most corps, attitude adn willingness to learn/try new things is a big part. I mean, if it came down to two people of the same talent level, wouldn't you rather pick the one who seemed more into it? Also, depending on where you audition, I think they'll understand your nervousness if that comes out during your individual audition :)
  3. You know nothin! JK, yeah that's a big part of it :) I think they rehearse like 3 times a week or something like that.
  4. http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/inde...howtopic=106251 May I direct your attention please...
  5. How the heck can you not understand! Isn't it obvious that... Sorry, just kiddin :)
  6. Ok, I thought you maybe meant treatment as something seperate from the crowd, since "response" wasn't what you meant... Fun fact: the C corps rehearses way more than the A corps between september and may...
  7. Sorry I misremembered. What do you mean by treatment? I think it's because: 1) They're freakin cute 2) Their show was Grease 3) They're really freakin cute 4) The boy in the color guard was phenomenal! 5) I tihnk I mentioned already, but they've got the cuteness going for em
  8. Kind of the same.... 03 was just pick a note and one chord... this year was full out space music (though the ending progression is different from the usual G sus we do in warmups)
  9. Hey it's his right to not censor stuff on his personal videos if he wants :P Books put onlly hand picked positive blurbs on their book covers. Is that the kind of censorship to get all mad about? Nope, neither is deleting stupid*** comments on youtube.
  10. Great point! Why else did I put so much energy and everything into every run through, many with no one but the staff watching....
  11. No because they aren't there in the movie with me. I have been to a premiere of a movie that I did work on though, filled with the poeple that did work on it, and everone applauded at the end. Same with any other type of event where someone who was a part of the movie was actually there with us to watch it.... (David Schwimmer for his independent film two years ago for example)
  12. Maybe cause everyone actually meant to vote no, but there's something wrong with this poll in particular that makes it confusing? :P
  13. Oh yeah, they have that new thumbs up/down thing too... So when you see that negative stuff, give it a thumbs down, and set your filter to "show only 0 and above", that's what I do every time I watcha drum corps video and notice comments like that
  14. But, I just HAVE to make my Pokemon online tutorial podcast! snort snort
  15. Except on my videos, cause no one ever comments on them at all :(
  16. I don't think people should have to clap for just anything that's put out on the football field at a drum corps show because its a "drum corps"... I do think every marching member deserves recognition for their hard work and dedication to learning. It sucks that the members aren't appreciated because of design problems that they have no control over... Anyway, I remember someone said something about BDC not getting the same reaction as BD... well actually, I'm pretty sure that both at Family Day and Stanford the crowd went WAY more crazy over BDC than us :P
  17. I should start a corps called Corps X, so whenever soemone uses it in an example I can jump in and say "HEY what are you saying about Corps X?!??" But really no, I shouldn't start a corps, that'd be silly :)
  18. So let's say members of Corps X work their butts off day in and out to perform a show that isn't designed very well. You're saying that makes them losers, and unworthy of recognition? Yeah that makes sense... You're point seems valid if the corps seems to not care what they're doing, and just putting a mess out on the field so they can get it over with. I have never ever seen that happen. (BTW I'm referring to the post directly above mine, didn't feel it necessary to quote them)
  19. That too! Sorry, didn't have the attention span to read through all the threads before making my post! :)
  20. All of my favorite tv shows, book and movies have something in common... I see or read something new every time time I experience them. If something is easily understood from all angles upon one viewing, I don't really think it's worth hundreds of people's summer working on it. For example: Yeah, it's entertaining, funny, etc... Well, ok I'm proving myself wrong here. But Jim Davis didn't spend more than a day on this strip (i hope!), whereas drum corps spend a full year or more ( as far as the design teams go) working on their product...
  21. Just to add my two cents... I always clap(ped since i aged out) for everyone when their score is announced during "encore" or whatever you can call it now (I guess it's still retreat, but DMs only plus two hornlines?) when I'm out there on the field in uniform and everything :P so I don't see how people can not clap at all for each and every corps out there. For the "entertainment" argument... I'm pretty sure the goal of most drum corps members is to learn and work hard. Entertainment is a part of it, but its a youth activity, not a facet of the entertainment industry. Corps members pay for the experience to further themselves through the activity, they don't get paid to be our dancing monkeys...
  22. That reminds me, I absolutely loved my sandwiches in Atlanta and Tupelo this year. <**>
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