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Everything posted by Kansan

  1. Do you have or know where I can get a recording or video of the 1984 show? I could have sworn DCI had it at one time but they don't now.
  2. On a side note, I thought I saw a U.S. Army band unit with Stingray Percussion. I be they paid 1 million per Drum. b**bs lol
  3. There is some interest in the St. Louis Area. :) That area just needs a leader to organize and get it started.
  4. Also, there are lots of High Schools in the area to house Corps. There are also a few small Colleges in the area that might be good housing locations for Corps as well.
  5. Kansas City would be good if the Chiefs would agree to it. Oklahoma, I don't know what College stadium would work. Texas: Houston, San Antonio, Dallas or Austin. :) I really like Denver as a location. B)
  6. Prairie Sound is going to stay close to home for the most part this year. The idea of a Mini Corps is being considered.
  7. I found Bb & F Horns to be more expensive than 2 valve G bugles. Three valve G bugles are pretty scarce, however you may run into a pocket of those from time to time. You will not have any problem finding used band instruments in the trumpet, mello, bari voices. Now tubas may be more difficult to find. The above prices I've listed are typical of the 2 valve G bugle market as I've experienced it. It all depends on demand, condition and how much the owner want s to get rid of the product. I also put my estimates for the band stuff as I did a lot of shopping in that used arena before I found my bugles. That's my .02 cents.
  8. The Sky Ryder Drum Line also played Green Acres in a couple parades as well. B) I could of swore they played it coming on or going off the field a couple times but my memory is a little foggy there.
  9. Our age limit is 18 for a person to join. If they are younger than 18 they must have a legal guardian as a sponsor. The sponsor doesn't have to march, they just need to be involved in some way as a volunteer, staff member or board member. We also want to get as many people involved in our corps as possible. Having Family members getting involved with drum corps together should help us build numbers more quickly. B) That's the way it worked out on paper anyhow.
  10. So? More equipment could be gathered. There is lots of stuff out there just waiting for a buyer. A group of ten adults could gather enough equipment to get the thing started. B)
  11. Couldn't Court of Honor be brought back? If it wasn't legal stuff that killed Court, why couldn't new management bring it back?
  12. They started that physical stretching warmup thing in 1986 or 87. I don't know if there was a rule change or what. I always liked to Horn & Drum warmup on the field though. That always got me psyched up and got rid of the butterflies.
  13. Yep, I had that class in Drum Corps and again in the Army.
  14. Yep there were some guard people with ehanced hair. My Sis just went more blonde. :P Tommy was ahead of his time. His creativity probably bought the Sky Ryders a little time as far as the length of their exhistence. :)
  15. After I read your post I got out three Batitone bugles. A Dynasty II, King K-70 and Olds Untratone II. The easiest one to play for me was the Olds. I had better tone quality and seemed to find notes better. Of course, I'm far from an accomplished Baritone player and not a professional Scientist. Just my $1.50 worth. B)
  16. Rumors of a Sky Ryder event in 2007 are floating around. How cool would that be? B)
  17. Sky Ryders Argonne Rebels Silver Sabres Railmen Troopers Black Gold Suncoast Sound Freelancers 27th Lancers Velvet Knights Florida Wave These were a few of my favorites.
  18. I was going through our inventory of bugles last night and I'm starting to actually like the Dynasty IIs we have. Do I need to seek treatment for this condition? Seriously though, I think they play ok both in silver or chrome. People I've talked to about the subject still like the King line better and they say playing a Chromed horn feels like they are playing through a blanket. At the moment, I don't care what brand we have, just that we have G bugles.
  19. I must be getting a deal. I don't believe I ever paid that much for welds. Maybe I have favored customer status.
  20. We updated out homestead site with the pertinent information. Access this site from here by clicking on the Prairie Sound site on my signature.
  21. I hope Dynasty drums are good because we are going to use some.
  22. Biiiiigggg BUMP! Look at our update please. B) b**bs
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