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I.R. Baritone

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Everything posted by I.R. Baritone

  1. You're half right. Largest, yes. First, no. That would be our title. Just FYI.
  2. Shows I would've killed to see live: '89 SCV '89 Bluecoats '92 Star of Indiana (I guess I'm the only one that liked that show) '92 Phantom '92 VK '97 Crossmen (again) '97 Madison (Pirates show) '02 Boston Crusaders (I think. It was the "Red" show) '07 Carolina Crown
  3. Just wanted to bump this to remind everyone. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it. My wife's grandmother died and I will be attending the funeral on Saturday, but barring anything unforseen like this; I will be at the next rehearsal.
  4. What about Magic of Orlando? Last I heard they were coming back this year.
  5. The Presidents of Greeneville, TN will be holding their 1st rehearsal of the 2008 season on Sat, Jan. 5th. It will be held at the Greeneville VFW Post from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Food will be available at rehearsal. Hornline members remember to bring your mouthpieces (and instruments, if you have one). Drummers bring sticks. Everybody in the mid-Appalacians should come out and join us. Check out the website for more info. Hope to see you there!
  6. I was in a small band in northeast NC. We never paid a dime to march. We did fundraisers and paid for our own shirts, reeds, shoes, etc. We also had a major trip in the spring (not regional) and competed in the winter (regional). I'd never heard of BOA until I moved to Indiana in '00 (I graduated in '92). They've since moved on to become a VERY big band and go to BOA every year (Currituck County High School for anyone who might have seen them). To the best of my knowledge, they still don't charge anything. Of course, I don't keep in touch with too many people back home. I don't know if the high school charges anything here in WV. They probably don't because if they did, there would be no band program. It's just too poor of an area to do that. Although Bluefield High School is VERY good and I've heard of other bands in WV going to BOA. I guess I'll find out if they charge when my son gets up there. He's in his first year of band at the Intermediate School and plays saxophone.
  7. According to what I just saw, we're out of shows to judge. Come on people, you're falling down on the job. Get us some more shows!
  8. Some things I'd like to see (judging -wise): 1. Instead of just an overall rating of 1 - 10, could we have some categories? Like say, cleanliness of drill, original concept, degree of realism, etc. 2. Ability to leave comments. Also, ability to delete any obsene or deliberatly rude comments (or, at very least, report them to admins) Absolutely love the game. Keep up the good work.
  9. The Presidents from Greeneville, TN will be coming back.
  10. Winner! The rest of us just might as well give up. Each one better than the last. Absolutely brilliant writing. :cool:
  11. BTW, here's mine: http://www.micromarching.com/show.php?showID=1263 It's a mini corps version!
  12. Yeah, I knew there was, but this one's FREE! Let's us amatuer, wanna-be drill writers play around with some ideas. Thank you SOOOO much for making this, Shaggy.
  13. This would be such a great tool for helping to visulize drill in real life. Either that or to preview the show for the public. Educational and marketing, all rolled into one. This one is definitely going in my favorites!
  14. In theory, I agree with you there. The only problem would be what show could afford them. I believe the Yen now is worth 2 to 3 times what the Dollar is. Can you imagine what their appearance fee would be? My gosh, it's be like $10,000 just to make it worth their while. That might bankrupt some organizations and severely hamper the show lineup. I think if DCA wants to attract more International corps, they need to do something like provide free food and lodging, or help suppliment travel costs or something like that. Maybe also provide free rehearsal space. Something to make it worth their while to make the trip over here. (No offense to Renegades or SoCal Dream or any of the other west coast corps, but you don't have an ocean to cross. :sshh: )
  15. *bump* This topic should probably be sticky-ed.
  16. Well, you're one of those band directors that are knowledgeable and sympathetic to drum corps. Not all band directors are. In this area, they don't even know what drum corps is and tend to be a bit protective(read: territorial) of their students. The band director for Bluefield High School is the same person that directs the Intermediate (starts in 5th grade) and Middle school bands (my son is in the Intermediate band. I tried to get him to play drums, but alas, he's playing sax. Granted, it's MY old sax, but a woodwind none the same.). For someone that has that kind of control of the teaching of their students, I wouldn't blame him for not wanting any outside interference. Whether it be beneficial or not. Don't get me wrong, Mike, I think you have the right idea and that it would most definitely be beneficial for them. I'm just saying that that would be the attitude you would be facing.
  17. Don't forget about The Presidents in Greeneville, TN. They're talking about coming out next year. I'm going to try to, at least, make it down for the Open House on Dec 1st. Don't know if my finances could hold up to the gas price of driving 2+ hours to get there. We'll see.
  18. We still haven't given up hope on bringing a corps to southern WV. It's just not in the cards right now. We gotta educate the people here as to what drum corps is. After that, who knows?
  19. I was just getting ready to start a thread about you guys. I've been trying to pull up your site with no success for about 2 months now. I was starting to wonder if you guys had folded.
  20. Calm yourself. It was a joke! Geez, can't crack a joke anymore. Besides, we don't care how you did it up north!! :P
  21. I know the Kilties regularly play for the semi-pro Racine Raiders. I think I might have also heard a rumor that they played for the Packers once. I'm sure Frank or one of the other guys could help clear this up.
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