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Everything posted by GregGilman

  1. I miss Tom, too. He did great things for DCA on the internet. See you in the forums, - Greg
  2. I understand. But I still think it's a losing battle to tell people they can't discuss something they feel passionate about. As time goes by, as the internet becomes even more prevalant, I can't see that attitude standing. It would be like trying to insist no one talk about drum corps with anyone else outside of practice "before damage control is needed"-- not reasonable. See you on the internet, - Greg
  3. There's a massive explosion of self-expression happening on the internet (forums, blogs, MySpace, YouTube...). I have to chuckle at anyone trying to censor such activities. A losing battle, IMO. See you in the forums, - Greg
  4. Good question. Each region decides for themselves. In DCI-Pacific, all-age corps don't currently get paid. See you in the forums, - Greg
  5. No secret. I'm just a space cadet... and didn't write down the corps. Off the top of my head: - Renegades - Dream - River City Regiment - Minnesota Brass - CorpsVets - Kilties - Royal Airs - Chops - Lakeshoremen - White Sabers? - Music City Legend? Sigh... Now I'm embarassing myself. I don't remember the others (to those corps... a heartfelt "sorry"). Does anyone else have a list? Seth? Tracy? Note: DCI did take a photo of us after the meeting. I hope it gets posted on DCI.org. See you on the 50, - Greg
  6. Could you be refering to the infamous Mike Nash? I know Mike is a So Cal Dreamer, but he's also a Renegade (one of the original, I do believe). B) Either way... it's all good. DCI-Pacific started a great trend that's now spread nationwide. That's good news! See you on the 50, - Greg
  7. Heh. I guess we'll have to "agree to disagree". B) DCI has been very good to west corps all-age corps and I'm glad to see that tradition continue across the country. See you on the 50, - Greg
  8. I spent this last weekend in Chicago attending this year's "fall" DCI meetings. The big news of the weekend for us all-agers... DCI held it's first all-age corps session with over 15 all-age corps attending! In addition, they are making those corps official "members" of their respective regions, much like Renegades/Dream/RCR have been members of DCI-Pacific. Finally, they plan to use DCA sheets to evaluate all-age corps at DCI shows. This is a very big step for DCI, and a rock-solid endorsement of the cooperative model we've been using here in California (pioneered by the Renegades, I might add). All in all, a very positive weekend for us all-age corps! I'd like to personally thank DCI, and in particular DCI-P's Tom Hope and DCI's Sue Kuehnhold for their efforts, honesty and enthusiasm. Great job! See you as a proud member of DCI, - Greg PS: Oh yeah...DCI is also going to make a big effort to drop the "senior" and go with "all-age" (a nod to DCA). Another sign DCI is listening and working with us all-agers.
  9. Newer versions of iTunes support WMA files: See you admiring the new iPods, - Greg
  10. Thanks for asking, Randy. My right wrist is no longer in a cast, and I have 50% flexibility and 60% strength. No problem conducting!! As for the rain... after all our rehearsals on Treasure Island, we're an "all-weather" drum corps. B) We're ready!! See you on the 50, - Greg
  11. Woo hoo! Thank you DCP for posting this info so quickly! A true public service to us corps sitting in our hotels waiting for info! I will alert the Renegades to our new start time! See you on the 50, - Greg
  12. This is VERY cool! Way to go, John! See you on DCP, - Greg
  13. FYI: The "best" way to play Windows Media Player files on a Mac is using the free Flip4Mac software. Once installed, WMP files will play within QuickTime instead of requiring another application or plugin. I understand, now that MS has ceased developing standalone versions of Windows Media Player, that this will soon be the "official" way to play WMP files on Mac. A good deal since performance is great and it adheres to Mac Interface Guidelines. See you playing WMP files just fine, - Greg
  14. Yeah... the Renegades are full! See you in front of a full corps, - Greg
  15. I gotta say, this whole episode is the weirdest thing I've seen in a long, long time. As a longtime fan of Vampires... Rock on! See you at I&E, - Greg
  16. Very great having Kelli's smiling face on the field with us again! Welcome back, Kelli! See you jazz running up the 50, - Greg
  17. Glad everyone enjoyed the party at my house on Saturday night. It was a good one... probably around 200 people! Woo hoo! Highlights: - Renegades/RCRers/Dreamers watching videos of each other together (cheers all around) - Dreamers/RCRers excitedly watching DCA Class A Champs from previous years. - The explanation to newbies while watching DCA for the first time... "Those are called kick pleats." - Or, "This year it's on a football field." - Strawberries and hot chocolate. - Great DJ (and an excellent Frank Sinatra imitator) - "I had minor wrist surgery. It looks worse than it is.".... over and over and over... - Our dog Mambo didn't explode from all the food he was fed. - That inflatable "toy" which kept reappearing. - A small mountain of empties in the morning (sent to recycling, of course) - Lots and lots of new friends! Looking forward to next year! See you in the drum corps lounge, - Geg
  18. Renegades have a very skilled crew of people who've produced numerous Loud Music Symposium concerts in various parts of the country over the last seven years. It's quite a challenge coordinating a concert with 8-12 groups -- we're very lucky to have such a talented team. I'm curious... why do you ask? Perhaps interested in having a Loud Music Symposium in your town? See you on the 50, - Greg
  19. Heh. Yes.... the drum corps lounge will be open in full force (30+ years of drum corps DVDs). In the living room we'll also be showing video of Saturday's performances. And, of course, we'll have munchies, beverages, a Poker Room, dance floor/DJ, hot tub... A great time for west coast senior corps members to celebrate a successful 2006 season! See you by the fire pit, - Greg
  20. It's true! I'm opening my house to all three west coast all-age corps this Saturday night for a mega-party after the show. If you're in the area, stop by! See you on the 50, - Greg
  21. We're back... on track. One thing is sure about drum corps... when you get 100+ people focused on a single goal, amazing things can happen. Big kudos to my fellow Renegades for taking things to the next level. See you on the 50, - Greg
  22. Heh. You'll notice we'll be throwing a sequel to that party after the Sunnyvale show. B) An evening not to be missed! See you in the new drum corps lounge, - Greg
  23. DCA sheets, I'm told. I'd like to point out that if your round Renegades score to the closest tenth.... we got a 66.6. Great show tonight, top to bottom. A strong start for west coast drum corps. See you on the 50, - Greg
  24. Yes. Traditions are meant to be broken. B) See you at I&E, - Greg
  25. LOL... good point. Next time I'll ask DeMello for a version for web and iPod. <grin> See you with white headphones on, - Greg
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