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Penalties at SA

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I wasn't at the show obviously, but I did notice that a few corps got penalties. Anybody know the reason why, like if it was timing, illegal use of something, going over the sideline, etc.?


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Boo posted an article about the recaps on dci.org....all 3 corps apparently had timing problems

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The set up for Regiment, Bluecoats, and Glassmen shows seemed a bit odd. The drum major salutes for these three corps were done well after Dan Potter gave the Final announcement.

I'm not sure what the hold up was, but the Glassmen did have a bit of a mishap on the field. During set-up, one of their concert bass drums fell off of the trailer and landed on the tractor. The crowd gasped in horror. As far as I could tell, the bass drum was unharmed, but the crew had to take extra time to make sure everything was okay.

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I'd forgotten about it, but yeah I wondered why the salute was well after Dan's final words for Bluecoats and Phantom

They might want to work on that...considering how close the top 7 corps are, it could end up biting them in the ### big time in Pasadena

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how do you know this?

the score is still the same on dci.org

(unless I'm missing something)

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how do you know this?

the score is still the same on dci.org

(unless I'm missing something)

I should have started my post with "Accoring to my brother, Glassmen's timpani player..."

That's what the kids were told, anywho.

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