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FREE! DCI videos and audios online!

DCI videos for advertising  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. If DCI offered FREE video downloads online with advertising for national advertisers, would you download?

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    • Other/Suggestions (discuss below)

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Think about it. Google operates strictly off of advertising revenue. Direct traffic to your site through their search engine and charge a fee.

This is what television is based on: Draw viewers to a program who in turn see your commercials during prime time...or the Super Bowl...or housewives during the day, etc.

So what kind of revenue does DCI bring in off of their video sales annually?


What kind of advertising revenue could they garner by having videos available for free with online advertising?

Not from advertisers like deMoulin and King Brass--limited market appeal.

But Apple's iTunes WANTS to hit the young crowd with their advertising--lots of members and band-O's watching what the corps' are doing. Dell wants to sell you laptops to view this stuff with. Bose (sp?) wants you to listen/watch on their sound systems. Microsoft wants you watching on Windows media. etc, etc, et al.

Now, you KNOW there would be millions of people wanting to download stuff immediately. 960,000-some ESPN2 viewers last year, and that was CABLE! I haven't seen either one yet. 20,000+ in the theatres for 1/4's--put that show online as a test to see how many downloads you get.

Bad idea--drives down this years' finals sales.

How about try out the "Through the Years" things. Put the first one online for Christmas, the second for spring, and right before tour next year, release the third.

Right before mid-tour at Atlanta, if they are going to do that video again, release some other stuff free to the viewing public. Perhaps all Champions right before finals to celebrate the new location and hype the Indy thing.

You get the idea. Release the videos for public consumption, offer advertisments to MAJOR national advertisers.

Numbers are key. I'm guessing DCI isn't bringing in too much in revenue from sales of the 1970's videos. Why not try it out with those? Add the 80's after finals next year, early 90's the next year, etc. One year every other month during the off-season, etc.


Edited by silvertrombone
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I would certainly do it, but I'm unceratin that the advertisers would be willing to do it. A lot of the advertising is geared toward large bands (equipment, uniforms and instrumentation that is bought in bulk) rather than individuals, because they make their profit on the large stuff. Therefore, I don't think they'd be willing to sponsor free, unlimited downloads to individuals, of whom most are not going to be the ones buying the products advertised.

On the other hand, if they went with STREAMING video acces, I think a few sponsors might be willing to invest in the access and maintenance of THAT because it is lower cost.

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great idea...though I do not know how much anyone can speak to it on here. It seems like simply an issue with numbers. Could they get an advertising deal with someone to cover what they make annually on selling videos? I dont have any of those numbers and I doubt anyone else on here does.

You also have to wonder about piracy...so far it is quite difficult to find DCi vids pirated online, however if they release them free with advertising, it is a simple procedure to clip off the advertising and offer them sans-ads...

Also if they could land a major advertiser for this operation, then maybe they could get more advertising $$ all around the board? More subsidizing of corps? better shows? lower ticket prices?

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I would certainly do it, but I'm unceratin that the advertisers would be willing to do it. A lot of the advertising is geared toward large bands (equipment, uniforms and instrumentation that is bought in bulk) rather than individuals, because they make their profit on the large stuff. Therefore, I don't think they'd be willing to sponsor free, unlimited downloads to individuals, of whom most are not going to be the ones buying the products advertised.

On the other hand, if they went with STREAMING video acces, I think a few sponsors might be willing to invest in the access and maintenance of THAT because it is lower cost.

Good idea with the streaming thing--thanks for thinking [bOX] >>--------------------------> over here!

Now think bigger! Like I said, no advertising from the standard DCI/BOA advertisers. deMoulin, Stansbury, King, Yamaha, etc advertise with DCI during tour. This is good.

But for this thing, bring in advertisers like Nike, Reebok, New Balance, Gatorade, airlines, maybe not the beer companies--but some fun thoughts come to mind there!. Coca Cola, Pepsi, Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Bose, etc.

If you see them on the Super Bowl you see them here type of stuff.

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great idea...though I do not know how much anyone can speak to it on here. It seems like simply an issue with numbers. Could they get an advertising deal with someone to cover what they make annually on selling videos? I dont have any of those numbers and I doubt anyone else on here does.

You also have to wonder about piracy...so far it is quite difficult to find DCi vids pirated online, however if they release them free with advertising, it is a simple procedure to clip off the advertising and offer them sans-ads...

Also if they could land a major advertiser for this operation, then maybe they could get more advertising $$ all around the board? More subsidizing of corps? better shows? lower ticket prices?

Aha, now he's on to something! He being me.

For the record, I suggested the phone text-your-favorite in the spring and that worked out pretty well.

Then there was the Crown horsey-race with the Crown horse beating the "Blue" and "Green" horse in the photo finish. Can't claim the photo finish, and maybe they meant to have that the whole time, but I called it right after San Antonio.

Can't tell me "SOMEONE" isn't reading our stuff here, ha-ha!

P.S. I have no current affiliation with Carolina Crown.

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I see you in my thread, Boo! Tell Dan I said hi!!

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I would certainly do it, but I'm unceratin that the advertisers would be willing to do it. A lot of the advertising is geared toward large bands (equipment, uniforms and instrumentation that is bought in bulk) rather than individuals, because they make their profit on the large stuff. Therefore, I don't think they'd be willing to sponsor free, unlimited downloads to individuals, of whom most are not going to be the ones buying the products advertised.

On the other hand, if they went with STREAMING video acces, I think a few sponsors might be willing to invest in the access and maintenance of THAT because it is lower cost.

That's true, but if high school kids see their favorite line marching Yamaha and they currently march Pearl, you can bet their going to pester their director to get Yamahas next time they order drums.

Also, streaming is actually far more expensive in the long run. Serving straight-up downloads encourages people to hold on to the video and watch it from their hard drive rather than redownload it from the site every time. Streaming requires the bandwidth to serve the video every time someone wants to watch it. We all know that DCI's web team didn't really design the site to hold up under stress well, so I don't see how they could also serve free streaming video to everyone under their current design. Streaming video will also run up the bandwidth bill ridiculously fast.

Edited by MagicBobert
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