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Vanguard’s great brass staff changes

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In response to drumcorpsfan4567, the Vanguard Cadets did not change brass staff this year. We had the same staff we had in 2007.

My apologies - I thought that 2008 was Barnhill's first year back.

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In response to drumcorpsfan4567, the Vanguard Cadets did not change brass staff this year. We had the same staff we had in 2007.

What they did have was a different composer/arranger - James Peterson wrote their original composition. We have been friends for decades and I'm glad he has worked his way into drum corps, he's so talented. He tries to educate me about arrangements, but ... He gets it and he's talented.

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It is really hard to measure these things by statistics. There are way too many variables to make a definitive answer either way.


The poster above forgot to mention that SCV won High Brass in 1999. Fact is, we just had a really REALLY good horn line... and had a really REALLY good staff.

Sometimes you just don't have a horn-line... but have a good staff.... and visa versa.

And sometimes you have a really good horn-line and good staff... but the book is too hard.

As you said, there are too many variables to make assumptions.

Edited by scvjesse
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Let’s see, Vanguard wasn’t happy with 5th in Brass at finals in 2007 so they got a new brass staff this year. Nick Williams goes to Madison and Brad Green goes to Blue Stars. Madison moves up 5 places in brass and increases their score .9 (even more at semifinals). Blue Stars move up 3 places in brass and increase their score .9 (even more at semifinals). Vanguard moves down 2 places in brass and lower their score 1.0 so did SCV management get what they were hoping for?

Largest change was CROSSMEN going up 5 places and increase the BRASS score by 1.4


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I hope I'm not the first to point this out, but no matter how great your brass staff is, if the kids talent level isn't as high as the year before, the scores will probably drop.

Plus a bad run finals night can account for the score changes the original poster listed.

In 87, regiment bombed at fin als and dropped from 3rd to 5th overnight mainly in brass if I recall.

The other factor is who is judging brass.

Scores can vary by .5 just on who is judging.

Don't lay it all on the brass staffs

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As someone involved in SCV 08, I can say that the members are very excited to have Andre in this position. He was very well liked and ran most of the ensemble rehearsals from Stanford on, with only a few trips back home before returning to tour. He did a great job, and will continue to do a great job.

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I hope I'm not the first to point this out, but no matter how great your brass staff is, if the kids talent level isn't as high as the year before, the scores will probably drop.

Plus a bad run finals night can account for the score changes the original poster listed.

In 87, regiment bombed at fin als and dropped from 3rd to 5th overnight mainly in brass if I recall.

The other factor is who is judging brass.

Scores can vary by .5 just on who is judging.

Don't lay it all on the brass staffs

I would agree with you on brass judges. There is some measure of variation there. At least you could argue your points and build somewhat of a relationship with individual judges in critique. Well, at least you knew where you stood. But I wouldn't be so caught up in raw talent. Sure a given level of performance and capability is required, but more important is attitude and ability to be taught. Many of the most talented kids I have seen where not good 'hornline' members for they where not totally committed to the given technique program. The Star lines of of the early nineties were not as individually talented as many of the competitors, yet having a consistent and effective technique program from 88' on with fairly consistent individuals teaching the program brought them to a high level. It is still true today as our Star United Minicorps has been able to defeat far more talented lines because of consistent technique and approach.

I think in SCV's case they need to settle in on a group of individuals or at least a firm caption head and lay down a technique program that in consistently applied year after year. Changing out folks year after year in hopes of a magic cure just isn't going to work. Look what their neighbors in Concord have been able to do with the rock of Wayne Downey at the helm year after year.

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Here we go again.


Good luck Andre; Vanguard please stick with this one...

Fortunately for the kids, Andre was already on staff so they know what to expect. I noticed Vandoren isn't on their staff page anymore...hmmm

I also noticed Jon Vanderkoff is on their visual staff now. I'm glad to see he's getting involved with the activity again.

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