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  1. Ah yes, the famous system of step-outs... It's for the start of a new drill move, whether they are moving forwards or backwards. It helps to get the musical phrases matched up with the drill moves in your head.
  2. Breathe-dah is a brass playing philosophy of taking a deep breath, and then articulating the note. it helps with timing, because if everyone breathes together, then no one can come in early. To whoever said that it's not all it's cracked up to be, it seemed to work pretty well for us in brass this year...
  3. Sorry, I was being stupid and not thinking... UPDATED LIST 1.) Holy Name 2.) SCV 3.) Crown 4.) The Cavaliers 5.) Phantom Regiment 6.) BD 7.) Bluecoats 8.) BLue Stars 9.) Madison Scouts 10.) Blue Knights 11.) Crossmen 12.) Colts
  4. 1.) Cadets 2.) SCV 3.) Crown 4.) Cavies 5.) Blue Stars 6.) BD 7.) Bluecoats 8.) Madison Scouts 9.) Blue Knights 10.) Boston Crusaders 11.) Crossmen 12.) Colts
  5. Oh yeah, that one... It's a classic something all right... Surprised though how often Clovis West has come up on here.
  6. He left tour on July 30, to go into the hospital, and he returened home in early September.
  7. Joe's doing a lot better, he's at home in Concord now, and recovering. He's still having some minor problems with speech, but that's about the last of it. That and the scars, but he's getting ready to go to college at the Berklee School of Music in the Spring. Thanks for the concern guys, I'll let him know that people are still caring about him on here.
  8. I would listen to Foo Fighters, "My Hero", always seemed to work. During Finals week though, we would blast the song, "You're the Best Around", and it seemed to get us all ready to go for the show.
  9. I think SCV 97 was modeled after a high school from CA as well. Maybe Clovis west or Live Oak....I dont know for sure though Just a heads up, Clovis West did not do really anything Bernstein during the 90s, we were pretty much Danny Elfman for the decade, with the occasional reoccuring theme of the opening from Mishima? Thanks for mentioning CW though...
  10. Guys, I think it's time that people stop getting so overly sensitive about every little point that someone brings up. I'm not going to say that BD didn't march a dirty show on finals, and I do think that the Cadets should have won, but that's not the point. All that the OP brought up was that he saw an inconsistency that turned out to be something else, that's it... As for the missed mello step off, I do think that that was a bad error, and probably should not have equaled a 98, but whatever.
  11. My first one was the Moonlight Classic in Stockton in 2003. (yes, from this decade.) Didn't really know much about anything outside of junior high pretty much parade band, and saw SCV do Pathways, and BD come out and knock me three rows back in the stands to the Phenomenon of Cool, changed the game completely. Got really into it, and marched my first show with the Vanguard Cadets in 2007, and 2008.
  12. To CorpsLife, by old I mean our set wasprobably five years or so old. When the A corps picked up a sponsorship from Yamaha, the Cadets corps got the old Dynastys from them. Terrible instruments, so after all of the euphs breaking, we got a newer set of Yamaha horns this year, and didn't have much problems at all. In retrospect to the Yamahas, after breaking the little alignment guard in my second valve this season, I found out that a Yamaha baritone valve will fit in a euph, and move beautifully, but it won't work the other way around.
  13. In 2007, we had an old set of Dynasty horns, and during the Finals horn warm-up, I snap my horn down and pop the weld of the support between the lead pipe and bell, creating a hole in the bell about 1/2" across, so it was held in place with white guard tape for finals. In 2008, during a show in Ohio, my second valve broke the little guard that keeps it aligned, so it just began spinning during the show. I had to keep turning it to line it back up every time I had a snd valve note.
  14. In response to drumcorpsfan4567, the Vanguard Cadets did not change brass staff this year. We had the same staff we had in 2007.
  15. In response to frumcorpsfan4567, the Vanguard Cadets did not change brass staff this year. We had the same staff we had in 2007.
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