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History of the "Bloo!"

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It just struck me that if anyone were ever to try to boo the Bluecoats (though I've no idea why they would), they would be misinterpreted.

YES! :glare: That is funny!

My friends and I always put on our best Michael Cessario impression when someone asks that question - I'm sure that's common. But boy does it make a first-timer feel like they have a lot to learn. Was that the 96 broacast?

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After marching with them for 5 years, I obviously LOVE the BLOOOOOO before, during, and after shows. One of the best traditions in drum corps! However, after aging out in '05 and being in the stands for the first show in Toledo of '06, I found it extremely hard to BLOOOO. Partly because i was choked up, but it also felt a little weird. It still feels a little awkward being the one BLOOOOing but you can be sure that I'm BLOOing louder than anyone around me when I'm at a show.

In the words of one of the greatest Bluecoats I know, "BLOO 'till you're blue!"

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Having been in an arch rival corps in the late eighties I just assumed everyone was booing them ;) I still feel free to "boo" while everyone else "blooos", my tongue-in-check way of keeping the distain (for that old version of the 'Coats) alive.

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Having been in an arch rival corps in the late eighties I just assumed everyone was booing them ;) I still feel free to "boo" while everyone else "blooos", my tongue-in-check way of keeping the distain (for that old version of the 'Coats) alive.

Hey, I resemble that remark! :music:

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That'd be the one.

I remember being at a truck stop in '88 one night and one of my contacts fell out of my eye. I searched everywhere for it. Kenny comes up looks around for a couple of seconds and finds it. I was eternally grateful for that.

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I remember the support crew in 1987 wearing blue overalls each with a letter on the back. When they helped set up the pit they sat down in the front and their letters spelled out Bluecoats. I don't recall hearing the Blooooo call in 1987, but seem to recall it in 1988 but not sure. I really have no idea exactly when it all started. I do know that back in the mid/late 80's is when we started doing the tss Blue when we were called ready front affter a dress command at the begining of a show. Maybe that Blue yell by the corps ended up getting picked up by the audience and expanded into the Blooooo of today.

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It just struck me that if anyone were ever to try to boo the Bluecoats (though I've no idea why they would), they would be misinterpreted.

Actually, booing does sound distinctly different from BLOOing. Just ask any 2000 vet about the time they got booed at a mid-season show for beating the Madison Scouts! :laughing:

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